When Is the Best Time to Get Into Esports?

It’s no secret that esports is a booming industry. But when is the best time to get into the competitive gaming scene?


The time is now for aspiring professional gamers. The world of esports is growing rapidly, with new tournaments and leagues popping up all the time. If you’re thinking about turning your gaming hobby into a career, there’s no better time than the present.

Of course, becoming a professional gamer takes more than just talent. It takes dedication, hard work, and a bit of luck. But if you’re willing to put in the effort, there’s no reason you can’t make it to the top of the esports world.

Here are a few things to keep in mind as you start your journey to becoming a professional gamer:

1. There are tons of different games to choose from, so find one that suits your skills and interests.

2. Don’t forget about the importance of practice. You need to put in the hours if you want to be successful.

3. Find a good team to play with. Having a supportive team can make all the difference in whether you succeed or not.

4. Be prepared for some ups and downs. Like any career, there will be good days and bad days. Don’t give up when things get tough!

The current state of esports

Esports has been growing in popularity for the past few years. More and more people are getting into competitive gaming, and there are a number of different tournaments that you can compete in. If you’re thinking about getting into esports, you might be wondering when the best time to get into it is.


The current state of esports is very popular. In fact, there are currently over 1.2 billion people who regularly watch esports. This number is expected to grow to 1.57 billion by 2021. The most popular games right now are Counter Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO), League of Legends (LoL), and Overwatch.

Tournaments and prize pools

The esports industry is in a state of constant flux and growth. New game titles enter the scene on a regular basis and established titles continue to evolve. This can make it difficult to know when is the best time to get into esports. If you’re interested in becoming a professional esports athlete or simply want to stay up-to-date on the latest developments, this guide will help you understand the current state of esports.

One of the most important things to keep in mind is that there are numerous tournaments with large prize pools being held throughout the year. These tournaments are typically sponsored by game developers or publishers, and they offer a way for the best players in the world to compete for cash prizes. The largest prize pools are typically associated with first-person shooter (FPS) games, such as Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO), Halo 5, and Overwatch. However, there are also large prize pools available for games such as League of Legends, Dota 2, Smite, Hearthstone, and more.

In terms of which games are currently popular among professional esports athletes, CS:GO, Dota 2, Overwatch, and League of Legends are at the top of the list. These games have established themselves as some of the most popular esport titles in the world and have large communities of passionate fans. Furthermore, each of these games has a well- developed competitive scene with numerous tournaments being held throughout the year.

The rise of mobile gaming

The rise of mobile gaming has been a boon for the esports industry. With more and more people playing games on their smartphones and tablets, there is a larger pool of potential esports athletes to choose from. Additionally, mobile gaming is more accessible than traditional console or PC gaming, making it easier for people to get involved in esports.

While mobile gaming is still in its early stages, there are already a number of mobile esports tournaments being held around the world. In particular, South Korea has been a hotbed for mobile esports, with a number of professional teams and athletes emerging from the country.

As mobile gaming continues to grow in popularity, it is likely that we will see even more mobile esports tournaments and leagues spring up around the world.

When is the best time to get into esports?

The world of esports is always growing and evolving, with new games and tournaments popping up all the time. So when is the best time to get into esports? That all depends on your goals and interests. If you’re looking to just have fun and compete at a recreational level, then any time is a great time to start.

As a player

The best time to get into esports as a player is at a young age.

This is because the younger you are, the more time you have to develop your skills and become one of the best players in the world.

However, this doesn’t mean that it’s impossible to become a professional player if you’re older.

It will just be harder to reach the top levels of competition if you start later in life.

As a spectator

The best time to get into esports as a spectator is at the beginning of a new competitive season for a game that you are interested in. This allows you to familiarize yourself with the teams, players, and mechanics of the game before the stakes get too high.

If you’re getting into esports to watch professional competitive play, then your options for finding games to watch are growing all the time. In addition to well-established tournaments like BlizzCon and The International, nearly every popular video game now has some sort of competitive scene.

As a content creator

If you want to get into esports as a content creator, the best time to start is now. There are dozens of games with large competitive scenes, and new games are constantly emerging. Even if you don’t want to compete, there are many other ways to get involved in the scene, such as streaming, casting, or creating videos and articles.

The only downside of getting into esports as a content creator is that the competition is stiff. There are already many established content creators with large followings, so it can be difficult to break into the scene. However, if you are passionate about esports and are willing to put in the work, it is definitely possible to find success.


After taking a close look at the pros and cons of getting into esports, we believe the best time to get involved is now. The industry is seeing incredible growth and there are opportunities for players, content creators, and businesses at all levels.

Of course, there are no guarantees in any industry. But if you’re passionate about gaming and want to be a part of the booming esports industry, there’s no time like the present to get started.

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