How Do Esports Players Train?

Esports players train for tournaments by practicing for hours each day to hone their skills. Some players may use a coach to help them improve.


Whether you’re a fan of esports or not, it’s hard to deny that the industry is on the rise. With more and more people tuning in to watch competitive gaming every year, it’s no surprise that the players are getting bigger and better. But how do they do it? How do esports players train?

Just like any other professional athlete, esports players have to put in hours of practice to perfect their craft. But since they’re playing video games, some people might not think that their training is as serious as, say, a tennis player or a football player.

However, make no mistake – training for esports is just as intense, if not more so. Here’s a look at how some of the best players in the world train for competition:

They Play A Lot
This might seem like a given, but it’s worth stating nonetheless. The best way to get good at playing video games is to play them – a lot. The top esports players usually have thousands of hours logged in their game of choice. And they’re not just playing for fun – they’re constantly analyzing their gameplay and looking for ways to improve.

They Have A Strict Schedule
Esports players don’t just show up to a tournament and start playing. They have strict schedules that they adhere to leading up to competition. This might include practicing for several hours each day, cross-training with other games, reviewing footage of past matches, and more. Basically, they treat their training like a full-time job – because that’s what it is.

They Have A Support Team
The best esports players don’t go it alone – they have support teams made up of coaches, analysts, psychologists, and more who help them prepare for competition. This team assists with everything from coming up with strategies to helping players cope with pre-match nerves. Having this support can make all the difference in whether or not a player performs well under pressure.

The Training Process

Esports is a growing industry with teams and players from all over the world. There are many different types of games and each one requires a different skill set. Players need to be able to think fast, have excellent hand-eye coordination, and be able to make split-second decisions. So how do they train for this?

Physical Training

Physical training for esports players is just as important as it is for traditional athletes. Just like any other athlete, esports players need to be in peak physical condition to perform at their best.

There are a few key differences between the physical training of traditional athletes and esports players. First, traditional athletes tend to focus on one specific sport, while esports players need to be proficient in a variety of games. Second, traditional athletes train primarily to improve their performance in competition, while esports players also need to focus on improving their reflexes and reaction times.

The best way to train for esports is to focus on exercises that will improve your reflexes and reaction time. One way to do this is by playing video games that require quick reflexes and Reaction time. Another way to improve your reflexes and reaction time is by doing drills that specifically target those skills. Some examples of drills that can help improve your reflexes and reaction time include:
-Jumping rope
-Plyometric exercises
-Interval training
-Agility training

Mental Training

Much like traditional sports, esports players have to train their minds as well as their bodies. Mental training helps players to focus and maintain concentration during long matches, making split-second decisions and dealing with the pressure of competition.

Players use a variety of techniques to keep their minds sharp, including:

-Visualisation: practise imaginary matches in your head, picturing yourself making the right moves and winning
-Breathing exercises: help you to stay calm and focused under pressure
-Positive self-talk: helps to increase confidence and motivation
-Relaxation techniques: can help you to control your nerves and anxiety before a match

Game Training

In the world of esports, “game training” refers to the process of a player practicing alone or with others in order to improve their skills in a specific game. This type of training is the bread and butter of any serious esports player, as it is the best way to learn all the ins and outs of a game and to develop the muscle memory needed to perform at a high level.

There are a few different ways that players can go about game training. The most common method is simply playing the game as much as possible, either by oneself or with others. Many professional players will spend several hours each day playing their game of choice in order to stay sharp. Another popular method is to watch video footage of other players, either pro-level or low-level, which can help one learn new strategies or identify flaws in their own gameplay.

Many players also use special training programs or mods that are designed to help them improve specific areas of their game. These programs might focus on aim training, map awareness, or reaction time, among other things. There are also a number of aim trainers available online that can help players improve their aim in first-person shooters. No matter what method you use, game training is essential if you want to be competitive in esports.

The Benefits of Training

Esports is a form of competition that is facilitated by electronic systems, in particular, video games. The word “esports” is an abbreviation of “electronic sports”. Professional esports players train for many hours each week to hone their skills and techniques. Some of the benefits of training include:

Improved Physical Condition

Players who train regularly can expect to see improvement in their physical condition. This is because training helps to increase the player’s heart rate and breathing, which in turn leads to better circulation and increased oxygenation of the blood. In addition, regular training can help to improve muscle tone and flexibility, as well as helping to reduce body fat.

Of course, the improved physical condition that comes from regular training will not only benefit the player while they are playing, but it will also lead to improved health in general. This is because exercising on a regular basis has been shown to have a number of different health benefits, including reducing the risk of heart disease, stroke, cancer, and diabetes.

Improved Mental Condition

In order to be successful in any field, it is important to have the right mindset. This is especially true in the world of esports, where players need to be able to think quickly and react appropriately in order to win. By training regularly, esports players can improve their mental condition and give themselves an edge over their opponents.

Improved physical condition is also important for esports players. Many of the games played require quick reflexes and good hand-eye coordination. By training regularly, players can improve their physical condition and perform better during competitions.

In addition to the benefits mentioned above, training can also help players learn new skills and strategies. By practicing with other players, they can learn from each other and develop new ways of playing the game. This can give them a major advantage over their opponents who have not had the opportunity to learn from others.

Improved Gameplay

There are numerous benefits to esports training, but improved gameplay is undoubtedly the most important. Professional gamers need to be able to perform at the highest level possible, and training helps them to reach new heights.

Players who train regularly will be able to react quicker, think more strategically, and generally have a better understanding of the game. This gives them a significant advantage over those who don’t train, and it can be the difference between winning and losing.

Aside from improved gameplay, training also has a number of other benefits. It can help players to avoid burnout, reduce stress levels, and stay motivated. Training can also help players to meet new people and make friends within the esports community.

The Drawbacks of Training

Training for esports can be very grueling and often takes a toll on the player’s body. Players often have to train for long hours and it can be hard to stick to a training regimen. Injuries are also common among esports players. All of this can make it difficult for players to perform at their best.


The biggest drawback to training is the time-commitment required. For most people, becoming a professional gamer is not feasible, as it requires dedicating a majority of your time to play and improve. This is a major issue for many aspiring players, as they would need to either dedicate their time fully to gaming, or balance their time between gaming and other responsibilities such as school or work.

Another drawback of training is the expense. Like with any sport, there is always going to be a certain amount of expense involved in order to participate. For example, many games require a subscription fee in order to play online, and tournament entry fees can add up quickly. In addition, if you want to take your training seriously, you will need to invest in a good gaming PC and accessories which can get expensive.


There are a few drawbacks to training to become an esports player. Firstly, it can be quite costly. You will need to invest in a good gaming PC or laptop, as well as the necessary peripherals such as a mouse, keyboard and headset. You will also need to pay for any tournament entry fees. Secondly, it can be time-consuming. You will need to put in long hours of practice to hone your skills and reach a competitive level. Finally, there is no guarantee of success. Even if you are one of the best players in the world, you may not make it into the top echelons of the esports scene.


To sum it all up, professional esports players train for around 10 hours a day, with a strict schedule that includes a mix of solo and team practice, physical training, and mental conditioning. They also follow a strict diet and sleep schedule to ensure they’re performing at their best.

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