When Do The NFL Preseason Start?

The NFL preseason starts Thursday, August 8th.


The National Football League preseason is the period each year during which NFL teams play several not-for-the-championship exhibition games before the regular season starts. Preseason matchups are typically held in late August or early September, with the NFL season kicking off the week after Labor Day.

What is the NFL Preseason?

The National Football League preseason is the period each year during which NFL teams play several not-for-the-record exhibition games before the regular season.

Preseason games are typically played between mid-August and early September. Most NFL teams play four preseason games, although some teams will play three and some teams will play five.

When does the NFL Preseason Start?

The NFL preseason begins the first week of August and runs through the last week of the month.

How long does the NFL Preseason Last?

The National Football League (NFL) preseason is the period each year during which NFL teams play several not-for-the-record exhibition games before the actual “regular” season starts.

Essentially, the preseason is a time for teams to blood new players (particularly rookies), allow veteran players returning from injury to regain full match fitness, and give all players a chance to gel as a team unit. Preseason games are also used by coaching staffs to evaluate individual players in game situations.

The length of the NFL preseason has varied throughout the years. Currently, each team plays four preseason games. However, there have been years in which teams have played as few as two games and as many as eight.

What is the Purpose of the NFL Preseason?

The National Football League preseason is the period each year during which NFL teams play several not-for-the-record exhibition games before the regular season. Beginning with the featured Pro Football Hall of Fame game in early August, five weekends of exhibition games are currently played in NFL stadiums throughout the United States. Most NFL teams play four preseason games, while some teams such as the Dallas Cowboys and Houston Texans play only three.

With the rise in popularity of joint training camp practices with another team, as well as intra-squad scrimmages, the impact of preseason games has diminished in recent years. Nevertheless, these contests finalize each team’s roster and provide meaningful experience for younger players who are trying to make an NFL roster. Preseason results are unscouted and mostly ignored by sports bettors, but can be used by sportsbooks as a tiebreaker in bets where a winner has not been clearly established (i.e., proposition bets).

How do Teams Prepare for the NFL Preseason?

In the NFL, the preseason is a time for teams to experiment with their lineups and game plans. Most starters see very little playing time during the preseason, as coaches focus on evaluating backups and players on the fringes of the roster.

The preseason can be divided into two parts: the first few weeks are used to find out which fringe players have what it takes to make the team, and the last few weeks are used to prepare starters for the regular season.

During training camp and the early preseason, coaches will try out different combinations of players to see who works well together. They will also test out different game plans and formations to see what works best against opposing teams.

As the preseason progresses and the regular season gets closer, coaches will start to focus more on preparing their starters for game action. They will gradually increase the playing time of starters until they are ready for a full workload in the regular season.

The NFL preseason typically lasts four weeks, with each team playing four games. The first week of the preseason is typically light, with most starters only playing for a few series. The second week is when things start to get more serious, as starters usually play for a half or more. The third week is when starters typically play their longest, as they prepare for the regular season opener. The fourth week is generally light again, as coaches rest their starters before the regular season begins.

What Happens During the NFL Preseason?

During the NFL preseason, each team plays four exhibition games to prepare for the regular season. These games do not count towards a team’s regular season record.

The primary purpose of the preseason is to allow NFL coaches to evaluate their players in game conditions. Coaches use the preseason to determine which players will make the final 53-man roster. They also use it to help identify starting lineups and determine which players will play in what roles.

In addition, the preseason is important for players because it gives them a chance to increase their chances of making an NFL roster. The more reps a player can get during the preseason, the better his or her chances of impressing coaches and making a team.

Finally, the preseason is important for fans because it gives them a chance to see their favorite teams and players in action before the regular season starts.

What are the NFL Preseason Games?

The National Football League preseason is the period each year during which NFL teams play several not-for-the-record exhibition games before the regular season starts. Beginning with the Pro Football Hall of Fame game in early August, five weeks of exhibition games are played in NFL stadiums throughout the United States. The exhibition season culminates with most teams playing their final game the week before Labor Day.


The NFL preseason starts in early August and goes until late August. The regular season starts the week after Labor Day, which is usually the first week of September.

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