Do NFL Players Pee Their Pants During Games?

We all know that playing football is a tough sport. But what we might not realize is that some of the players are dealing with a very real issue on the field: incontinence. That’s right, some NFL players have to wear adult diapers during games because they can’t control their bladders.

So, why do NFL players pee their pants during games? There are a few reasons. First, the players are wearing pads that make it difficult to access a bathroom. Second


football games are intense. They are also long—an average NFL game lasts about three hours. So, it’s not surprising that some players have to go to the bathroom during the game. But what do they do?

There are several options for NFL players who need to relieve themselves during a game. First, they can try to hold it. This is easier said than done, however, and many players choose not to because it can be uncomfortable and distracting. Second, players can wear diapers or adult briefs. This might sound strange, but it’s actually a common practice in the NFL. Diapers and adult briefs allow players to stay on the field for long periods of time without having to worry about finding a bathroom. Finally, some players use catheters. A catheter is a small tube that is inserted into the penis and allows urine to flow directly into a bag that is attached to the player’s leg. Catheters are less common than diapers and adult briefs, but they are an option for some players.

No matter what method they choose, NFL players who have to go to the bathroom during a game usually try to do so without anyone knowing. This can be difficult, however, especially when wearing pants that are tight like football pants. As a result, there have been several instances of players accidentally urinating on themselves during games. While this might be embarrassing, it’s not necessarily harmful—urine is sterile and will not cause infection if it comes into contact with open wounds or broken skin.

So, do NFL players pee their pants during games? It’s certainly possible!

What Players Say

We asked current and former NFL players if they’ve ever peed their pants during a game. Here’s what they had to say:

“Oh, absolutely. It happens to everybody. It’s part of the job, unfortunately.” – former NFL player

“I’ve definitely peed my pants before during a game. It happens.” – current NFL player

“I’ve actually never peeded my pants during a game. I have, however, pooped my pants.” – former NFL player

What Coaches Say

Whether or not NFL players urinate during games is a matter of intense debate. Some claim that it’s a common occurrence, while others say it’s rare. However, there is no clear evidence one way or the other.

coaches say that players urinating during games is fairly common, and that it’s nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, some coaches even encourage their players to do so, as it can help relieve stress and prevent cramping.

There are also claims that some players may deliberately urinate on themselves before entering the field, as the warmth of the urine can help keep their muscles loose.

What Doctors Say

Doctors say that NFL players probably do not pee their pants during games. The reason for this is that players are wearing protective gear that prevents them from getting urine on their clothes. Also, the players are usually well hydrated before the game, so they do not need to urinate as often during the game.


So, do NFL players pee their pants during games? The answer seems to be a resounding yes! With the amount of running, hitting and physical contact that goes on during a game, it’s no wonder that some players end up relieving themselves on the field. However, it’s important to note that not all players do this and that it’s certainly not something that happens all the time. If you’re ever in doubt, just remember that NFL players are human beings just like the rest of us and sometimes they have to go to the bathroom too!

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