How Much Does an NFL Referee Make?

How much does an NFL referee make? We break down the referee salary by year, game, and position.

How Much Does an NFL Referee Make Per Game?

According to Sporting Charts, as of the 2018 season, NFL referees made an average of $205,000 per year. This is down from the 2017 average salary of $212,000. NFL referees are paid on a per-game basis, and they typically work between 15 and 20 games during the regular season. Over the course of a full season, an NFL referee can expect to make between $3,300 and $4,000 per game.

How Much Does an NFL Referee Make Per Year?

NFL referees make an average of $205,000 per year, but the range in pay is from $173,000 to $234,000, according to the official website of the National Football League. NFL referees are paid their yearly salary in 17 payments spread out over the course of the NFL season. They also receive a pension plan and 401K retirement savings plan.

How Much Does an NFL Referee Make in Total?

According to Forbes, the average salary for an NFL referee is $173,000. However, the salary range for NFL referees is widely reported to be from $25,000 to $70,000 per year. The exact amount that each NFL referee makes depends on a number of factors, including experience, tenure and position.

How Much Do NFL Referees Make in Retirement?

According to Business Insider, the average NFL referee makes $173,000 a year. However, referees’ salaries vary based on experience. For example, a first-year referee makes $110,000 a year, while a veteran referee with 20 years of experience can make as much as $400,000 a year.

In addition to their salary, NFL referees also receive benefits such as health insurance and a pension. NFL referees who retire at 55 are eligible to receive up to $224,000 a year from the league’s pension plan.

How Much Do NFL Referees Make in Bonuses?

In addition to their salaries, NFL referees also receive bonuses for working playoff games and the Super Bowl. According to Forbes, the average bonus payment for a Divisional Playoff game is $8,000, while the average bonus for the Conference Championship games is $10,000. The bonus for working the Super Bowl is $30,000. With these bonuses included, an NFL referee can earn up to $205,000 per year.

How Much Do NFL Referees Make in Per diem?

In addition to their annual salary, NFL referees also receive a per diem. The per diem is a daily allowance that covers the costs of meals and incidentals while the referee is on duty. For the 2020 season, the per diem for NFL referees is $650.

How Much Do NFL Referees Make in Endorsements?

In addition to game and roster bonuses, NFL referees also receive a small per diem for each day they work—usually $500. While this may not seem like much, it adds up over the course of a season. And, since the NFL only employs a few hundred referees, there is little competition for top-tier positions. This allows the NFL to keep salaries relatively low.

But game bonuses and per diems are only a small part of an NFL referee’s total earnings. The real money comes from endorsements. Referees are some of the most recognizable faces in the NFL, and they have used this exposure to land endorsement deals with major brands like Nike, Gatorade, and Nationwide Insurance. These deals can be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars per year.

So, while an NFL referee’s salary may seem low compared to other professional athletes, their total earnings are actually quite high. In fact, many NFL referees make more money from endorsements than they do from their salaries.

How Much Do NFL Referees Make in Pensions?

NFL referees are entitled to a pension after 20 years of service. They are also eligible for 401(k) retirement savings plans. As of 2011, the average salary for an NFL referee was $173,000 per year.

How Much Do NFL Referees Make in Salary?

In the National Football League (NFL), the game officials are responsible for enforcing the rules of the game and officiating all plays. These officials include the head referee, who is generally in charge of officiating the game, and the other six officials, who help with duties such as monitoring player behavior, handling player equipment, and spotting the ball before each play.

The NFL does not release specific salary information for its referees, but it is known that they are paid an annual salary that is determined by their experience and position. The head referee, for example, usually makes more than the other six officials. It is also believed that NFL referees make more than referees in other professional sports leagues, such as Major League Baseball (MLB) and the National Basketball Association (NBA).

How Much Do NFL Referees Make in Total Compensation?

In 2019, the average NFL referee made $205,000 in total compensation, according to data from the website The website estimates that the typical NFL referee’s salary is $173,000 per year, with the rest of their income coming from other sources, such as endorsements.

The highest-paid NFL referee is John Parry, who made $4.9 million in total compensation in 2019, according to Parry’s salary was $4.4 million, and he also earned an estimated $500,000 in endorsements.

The lowest-paid NFL referee is Walt Coleman IV, who made $152,000 in total compensation in 2019, according to Coleman’s salary was $149,000, and he also earned an estimated $3,000 in endorsements.

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