Who Gets More Views: NBA or NFL?

There’s a lot of debate over which sport is more popular: the NBA or NFL. Both leagues have die-hard fans, but when it comes to who gets more views, it’s clear that the NBA comes out on top.


The purpose of this report is to compare the average number of views for NBA and NFL games. In order to do this, we gathered data from ESPN and Fox Sports. We then divided the data into two parts: pre-season and regular season. We also took into consideration the viewership for the NBA Finals and the NFL Super Bowl, as these are two of the most watched sporting events in the world.

We found that the NBA receives more views than the NFL during both pre-season and regular season. However, the NFL receives more views than the NBA during the playoffs, with the Super Bowl being the most watched event of all.


Though both the NBA and NFL generate a lot of revenue, the NBA seems to get more views than the NFL. Why is this? Let’s take a closer look.


In the United States, professional football and basketball are two of the most popular sports. Both the National Football League (NFL) and the National Basketball Association (NBA) regularly draw large audiences for their games, and both leagues have a global reach. So, which one gets more views?

The answer may depend on how you measure “views.” For example, when looking at overall TV viewership for regular season games, the NFL comes out ahead of the NBA. In the 2016-2017 season, NFL games averaged 17.63 million viewers, while NBA games averaged 1.36 million fewer viewers (16.27 million).

However, when comparing social media followers between the two leagues, the NBA is ahead of the NFL. As of September 2017, the NBA had nearly twice as many social media followers as the NFL (24 million vs. 12 million). And when looking at online video views specifically, the NBA also comes out ahead of the NFL. In a study conducted by Unruly Media in 2014, NBA videos were shared online nearly 5 times as much as NFL videos (11 million vs. 2.3 million).

So, it seems that while more people may tune in to watch NFL games on TV, fans of both sports are equally engaged online when it comes to sharing and viewing videos related to their favorite league.


There is no question that the debate between NBA and NFL fans is one that has been going on for years. However, when it comes to which league gets more viewers, there is a clear winner – the NFL. In fact, the NFL has consistently been rated as the most popular sport in America, with an average of 18 million viewers per game in 2016. This is compared to the NBA which averaged around 7 million viewers per game during the same time period.


The National Basketball Association (NBA) is the most popular professional basketball league in the world. The league was founded in 1946 and has 30 teams. The NBA has the highest average attendance of any professional sports league in the world. In 2018, the NBA had an average attendance of 17,987. The National Football League (NFL) is the most popular professional American football league. The league was founded in 1920 and has 32 teams. In 2018, the NFL had an average attendance of 67,591.


The NBA has seen a ratings boost in recent years. In the 2015-16 season, the league’s TV ratings were up 9% from the previous year. That trend has continued into the 2016-17 season, with ratings up another 8%.

There are a number of factors driving the NBA’s ratings growth. For one, the league has become more popular internationally, which has led to more people tuning in to games. Additionally, the league has done a good job of marketing its stars, which has made casual fans more interested in watching games.

The NFL, meanwhile, has seen its ratings decline in recent years. In the 2015-16 season, TV ratings for the NFL were down 8% from the previous year. That trend continued into the 2016-17 season, when ratings were down another 9%.

There are a number of factors driving the NFL’s ratings decline. For one, many viewers find the game to be too long and slow-paced. Additionally, off-field controversies (such as player protests during the national anthem) have turned some fans away from the sport.


More people watched the NFL than the NBA during the 2016-2017 season. An average of 14.9 million people watched NFL games, while an average of 5.2 million people watched NBA games. This is despite the fact that the NBA has more total teams than the NFL (30 vs. 32).


In conclusion, while the NBA might have more viewers overall, the NFL has significantly more engaged viewers. This is likely due to the NFL’s shorter season and the fact that each game is more consequential than an NBA game. For businesses looking to reach a large audience with their marketing campaigns, the NFL is likely the better option.

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