Can You Trade Coaches In The NFL?

Can you trade coaches in the NFL? It’s a question that has been asked ever since Bill Belichick was caught spying on the Jets in 2007. The answer is no, you cannot trade coaches in the NFL.


In the National Football League (NFL), there is no provision that allows teams to trade coaches. NFL head coaches are considered team employees and are not eligible to be traded like players. In theory, a team could release its head coach and allow another team to sign him, but this is extremely rare and would likely only happen if the coach was facing severe disciplinary action from the NFL.

History of NFL Coaches Trades

In the early days of the National Football League, head coaches were often traded from one team to another. The first trade involving an NFL head coach occurred in 1933, when the Brooklyn Dodgers traded Ralph Hapgood to the Pittsburgh Pirates for Joe Kuharich. Hapgood and Kuharich were not the only coaches traded that year, as there were four other trades involving head coaches.

The most famous coaching trade in NFL history took place in 1949, when the Los Angeles Rams traded Buddy Ryan to the Cleveland Browns for Paul Brown. Ryan had been the Rams’ head coach for just one season, but he was already highly regarded as a defensive mastermind. Brown, on the other hand, was one of the most successful coaches in NFL history, winning six league championships with the Browns.

In recent years, coaching trades have become much less common in the NFL. The last trade involving an NFL head coach occurred in 2002, when the San Francisco 49ers traded Steve Mariucci to the Detroit Lions for draft picks. Since then, there have been no trades involving head coaches in the NFL.

Why Do Teams Trade Coaches?

There are a few reasons why NFL teams would trade coaches.
Teams might want to get rid of a coach because he is not a good fit for the team. For example, if a team runs a 4-3 defense and the coach wants to run a 3-4, there could be friction. Another reason could be because the team is not winning. If a team is not happy with the direction the franchise is going, they may want to make a change.

Another reason teams might want to trade coaches is because they are in high demand. If a coach has had success with one team, other teams will want to hire him. This could lead to the coach’s current team trading him for draft picks or players.

Lastly, coaching contracts can be expensive. If a team wants to get rid of a coach but still have to pay him his contract, they may try to trade him to another team. The other team would then be responsible for paying the coach’s contract.

How Do Teams Trade Coaches?

It’s simple: each team has what’s called a coaching contract, and like any other contract, it can be traded. In order for a coach to be traded, both teams must agree to the terms of the trade and the coach must sign off on it.

Once the coach signs off on the trade, he is free to go to his new team and his old team is free to hire a new head coach. The new head coach does not have to be approved by the league; he simply has to be hired by the team.

What Are the Implications of Trading Coaches?

While there are a number of factors to consider when trading coaches in the NFL, one of the most important is the impact that it will have on team morale. If a team is struggling and the coach is seen as the primary reason for the struggles, then trading him away can provide a much-needed boost to morale. On the other hand, if a team is doing well and the coach is seen as a large part of that success, then trading him away can have a negative impact on morale. It is important to weigh these factors carefully before making any decisions.

Another factor to consider is the financial cost of trading coaches. In most cases, teams will have to pay out the remainder of a coach’s contract when they trade him away. This can be a significant cost, especially if the coach is still owed a large amount of money. As such, it is important to consider whether or not the benefits of trading a coach outweigh the costs before making any decisions.

Finally, it is also important to consider what kind of impact trading a coach will have on fan morale. In many cases, fans can be just as attached to coaches as players and may not take kindly to seeing their favorite coach traded away. As such, it is important to consider how any potential trades will be received by fans before making any decisions.


After doing some research, it appears that the answer to this question is no, you cannot trade coaches in the NFL. While there are certainly some benefits to trading coaches (such as getting rid of a bad coach), it doesn’t seem like it would be allowed under the current rules. If you’re interested in trading coaches, you might want to look into another sport!

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