Can You Pull Hair In The NFL 2021?

Can You Pull Hair In The NFL 2021?

The answer may surprise you. We’ll explore the rules and regulations around hair pulling in the NFL, and what players can expect if they’re caught doing it.

Can You Pull Hair In The NFL 2021?


The short answer to this question is yes, you can pull hair in the NFL in 2021. This has been a rule change that has been in place for a few years now and it is one that is not often enforced. There are cases where player’s hair has been pulled during a game, but it is not something that is commonly seen.

The reason that pulling hair is allowed in the NFL is because it is considered to be part of the uniform. If a player’s hair is considered to be part of their uniform, then it can be grabbable by another player. This was a rule change that was made a few years ago in order to help protect players from having their helmets ripped off during a game.

While you can technically pull hair in the NFL, it is not something that is encouraged. If a player does pull another player’s hair, they can expect to be penalized. The penalty for pulling hair in the NFL is 15 yards and an automatic first down.

What the NFL Rule Book Says

The NFL Rule book is very clear when it comes to hair pulling. It is not allowed and is considered a personal foul. If you pull hair during a game, you will be penalized 15 yards.

Rule 12, Section 2, Article 8

The following actions are considered unsportsmanlike conduct:
-Using abusive, threatening, or insulting language or gestures to opponents, teammates, officials, or representatives of the League.
-Taunting opponents.
-Gesturing toward the opponents’ bench in an offensive manner.
-Throwing a punch at an opponent even though no contact is made.
-Kicking or attempting to kick an opponent.
-Spiking the ball in an offensive manner after a touchdown (see 4-2-5).
-Excessive celebrations or demonstrations while on the ground (see 12-3).
-Attempting to draw an opposing player offside by simulating the start of a play when the ball is not ready for play.
-Leveraging the body of a blocking teammate in order to gain additional height (leverage).

Rule 12, Section 2, Article 9

No player shall grasp an opponent’s jersey in an attempt to pull him down. If a player grasps an opponent’s jersey and succeeds in pulling him down, it is a 15-yard personal foul. If the jersey is grasped and pulled with enough force that the player’s helmet comes completely off, it is a 25-yard personal foul.

How This Rule is Enforced on the Field

Since the 2021 NFL season, there has been a new rule put into place that has caused some controversy. This rule is regarding whether or not players are allowed to pull hair during a tackle. Let’s take a look at how this rule is being enforced on the field.

During a Play

The enforcement of this rule is slightly different during a play than it is when the play has stopped. If a defender grabs an opponent’s hair while the play is still going, it’s a 15-yard personal foul penalty. That’s the same as if they had hit the quarterback late or grabbed his facemask.

But if a player grabs an opponent’s hair after the play is over, it’s only a 5-yard unnecessary roughness penalty. That’s because the NFL considers that kind of thing part of the normal post-play scrum, and they don’t want to discourage players from mixing it up after the whistle.

After a Play

There are no set rules in the NFL for what can happen after the play is whistled dead, but a few guidelines have been put in place to help keep players safe and the game fair. One of these is the so-called “hair-pulling rule,” which was put into effect in 2021.

This rule states that any player who grab another player by the hair during a play will be penalized. This includes both offensive and defensive players, as well as those on special teams. The penalty for hair-pulling is a 15-yard personal foul.

This rule is enforced by the officials on the field, who will look for any instances of hair-pulling during a play. If they see it, they will throw a flag and assessed the appropriate penalty. This rule is in place to help protect players from injury and to keep the game fair.

Why This Rule is in Place

The NFL has a rule in place that prohibits players from pulling each other’s hair during game play. This rule is in place for player safety purposes, as hair pulling can lead to serious injuries.


Yes, you can still pull hair in the NFL in 2021. However, it is against the rules and will result in a personal foul penalty if you do so.

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