Do You Have To Wear A Mouthguard In The Nfl?

Wearing a mouthguard in the NFL is a personal decision. Some players feel comfortable without one, while others wear one to protect their teeth from getting hit.

Do You Have To Wear A Mouthguard In The Nfl?


Mouthguards are an essential piece of equipment for athletes in many different sports, including football. While the NFL does not require players to wear mouthguards during games, the league strongly recommends them. In fact, all NFL players are required to wear mouthguards during practices.

Mouthguards help protect your teeth from being cracked or broken if you receive a direct hit to the mouth. They also help reduce the risk of concussions by cushioning your jaw and absorbing some of the impact from a hit.

If you decide to wear a mouthguard while playing football, be sure to choose one that fits well and is comfortable to wear. You should also clean your mouthguard after each use to prevent bacteria from building up on it.

What is a Mouthguard?

A mouthguard is a protective device that covers the mouth and teeth. Mouthguards are also referred to as mouth protectors. They are used in contact sports such as football, hockey, boxing, and mixed martial arts to prevent from injury to the teeth, jaws, lips and gums. According to the American Dental Association (ADA), a properly fitted mouthguard:
-Reduces the risk of concussion
– Reduces the risk of tooth fracture
– Minimizes injury to the soft tissues of the mouth

There are three types of mouthguards:
– Stock Mouthguards: These mouthguards come preformed and do not need to be customized. They are ready to wear right out of the package but may not fit as well as other types of mouthguards. They offer the least amount of protection because they do not conform as well to the teeth. Because they are bulky, they can also make it difficult to breathe and speak. Stock mouthguards are typically less expensive than other types of mouthguards.
– Boil and Bite Mouthguards: These mouthguards come in a generic form that you then mold to your teeth using boiling water. Boil and bite mouthguards offer a better fit than stock mouthguards but they may still be uncomfortable and make it difficult to speak or breathe.
– Custom-made Mouthguards: A custom-made mouthguard is made from an impression of your teeth by a dentist or orthodontist. Custom-made mouthguards offer the best fit, comfort and protection but they are also the most expensive option.

Why Do You Need a Mouthguard?

A mouthguard is a piece of dental equipment that is worn over the teeth to protect them from damage. They are most commonly used in contact sports such as football, hockey, and lacrosse, but can also be worn in non-contact sports such as gymnastics and basketball.

Mouthguards are made from a variety of materials, including plastic, rubber, silicone, and vinyl. They vary in cost and level of protection they provide. Over-the-counter mouthguards are the least expensive and can be bought at most sporting goods stores. Custom-made mouthguards are more expensive but offer a better fit and more protection.

Mouthguards are important because they can help prevent dental injuries such as chipped or broken teeth, cuts to the lips or tongue, and jaw injuries. In addition to protecting the teeth, mouthguards can also help reduce the risk of concussion by absorbing some of the impact from a blow to the head.

The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends that athletes wear a mouthguard during any activity where there is a risk of dental injury. The ADA also recommends that parents talk to their dentist about having their child fitted for a custom-made mouthguard if they participate in any organized sports.

How Do You Choose the Right Mouthguard?

With so many different types and brands of mouthguards on the market, it can be difficult to know which one is right for you. There are three main types of mouthguards:

-Stock Mouthguards: These are the least expensive and can be bought at most sporting goods stores. They come in a limited number of sizes and usually don’t fit very well. They also make it hard to breathe and talk.
-Boil-and-Bite Mouthguards: These are a step up from stock mouthguards and can also be found at most sporting goods stores. You boil them in water to soften them, then bite into them to create a custom fit. They’re more comfortable than stock mouthguards, but they still may not fit perfectly.
-Custom-Fit Mouthguards: These are made by your dentist or an orthodontist and provide the best fit. They’re more expensive than other types of mouthguards, but they’re worth it if you can afford them.

How Do You Care for Your Mouthguard?

The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends that you clean your mouthguard after each use. You should also take it out of your mouth while eating or drinking.

To clean your mouthguard, rinse it thoroughly in cool, soapy water. You can also use a toothbrush and toothpaste to remove plaque and food particles. Rinse it again, then place it in a clean, dry container.

If you have more than one mouthguard, be sure to label them so you don’t get them mixed up. And don’t forget to clean your container regularly.


After learning about the various benefits and risks associated with wearing a mouthguard while playing football, it’s up to each individual player to decide whether or not to wear one. Some players may feel that the risk of not wearing a mouthguard outweighs the potential benefits, while others may prefer not to wear one because they find it uncomfortable or difficult to breathe. Ultimately, the decision is up to the player and should be based on their individual preferences and needs.

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