What Is A Ped Test In The NFL?

A PED test is a drug test that is conducted by the National Football League to screen for the use of performance-enhancing drugs.

What Is A Ped Test In The NFL?


What is a PED test in the NFL?

The NFL has a policy on performance-enhancing substances. It’s called the PED policy. Under this policy, players are tested for banned substances before the season starts. They’re also tested during the season, and they can be suspended if they test positive.

PEDs are any substances that are taken to improve athletic performance. They include steroids, hormones, and other drugs. Some of these substances are legal, and some are not. The NFL’s PED policy applies to all players, whether they’re using legal or illegal substances.

The policy prohibits the use of all PEDs, including:
-Dietary supplements that contain banned substances
-Street drugs

What is a PED test?

In the National Football League, a PED test is short for a performance-enhancing drug test. All NFL players are subject to PED testing once per year during training camp. The purpose of the PED test is to prevent players from using illegal substances that could give them an unfair advantage over their opponents.

There are a number of different banned substances that are tested for in the NFL PED test, including steroids, human growth hormone (HGH), and other drugs that have been shown to improve athletic performance. Players who test positive for banned substances can be suspended for a certain number of games, or even banned from the NFL altogether.

While the PED test is designed to level the playing field and keep the game fair, there are some players who argue that it infringes on their privacy and is nothing more than a way for the league to control its players. Regardless of where you stand on the issue, there’s no doubt that the PED test is a major part of the NFL landscape and is here to stay.

How often do NFL players take PED tests?

All NFL players are subject to year-round testing for performance-enhancing substances. During the season, each player on every team can be tested up to six times, including once during training camp. In the offseason, players can be tested up to twice.

What substances are tested for?

The NFL’s PED testing program is run by an independent administrator. The league and the players’ union agreed to the program in 2014, and it’s overseen by Dr. Jeffrey M. Anderson, who is the medical director of the Cooper Clinic in Dallas.

Players are randomly selected for testing year-round, and they can be tested up to six times during the offseason and once during the season. There are no known threshholds or penalties for positive tests; however, if a player tests positive for a banned substance, he may be subject to additional testing and monitoring.

The substances that are tested for include:
-Anabolic steroids
-Androstenedione (andro)
-Human growth hormone (HGH)
-Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1)

What are the consequences for testing positive for PEDs?

If a player tests positive for PEDs, they are subject to a number of consequences. First and foremost, they will be suspended for a minimum of four games. If the player is a first-time offender, they may be eligible for treatment under the league’s drug policy. However, if the player is a repeat offender, they will face much harsher penalties, including a ban from the league. In addition to the suspension and possible ban, players who test positive for PEDs will also be subject to fines and loss of game bonuses.


PED tests in the NFL are done in order to ensure that players are not using performance enhancing drugs. These tests are random and can be done at any time during the season or offseason. If a player is found to be using PEDs, they will be subject to a suspension and/or fine.

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