What Time Do NFL Teams Practice?

Find out what time NFL teams practice during the week so you can plan your viewing schedule around it.

What Time Do NFL Teams Practice?


Training camp is the most important time for NFL teams to improve and get ready for the upcoming season. NFL teams usually start training camp around late July or early August. Training camp is a time for players to get back in shape after the long offseason, learn any new playbook changes, and prepare for the grueling 16-game regular season.

How NFL Teams Practice

The National Football League practices during the offseason, preseason, and regular season.

During the offseason, teams are allowed to hold practices a maximum of four times a week, with each session lasting no longer than three hours. Preseason practices are very similar to those in the offseason, but they may be held more frequently.

During the regular season, teams are allowed to practice a maximum of three times per week, with each session lasting no longer than two hours.

What Time Do NFL Teams Practice?

There is no simple answer to the question of what time do NFL teams practice? While most teams have some sort of general practice schedule that they adhere to during the week, the specific details can vary greatly from team to team and even from week to week. In addition, while many teams hold their practices during the day, there are some that prefer to practice at night or even on weekends.

That being said, there are some patterns that emerge when looking at NFL practice schedules. For example, most teams will have some sort of walk-through or meeting on Monday morning, followed by a full practice in the afternoon. Tuesday and Wednesday usually consist of two practices each, with one being a lighter session focused on individual work and the other being a more physical team session. Thursday is typically a light day, with just a walk-through or meeting in the morning and no full practice. Friday is another light day, with just a short walk-through in the afternoon.

Of course, this is just a general overview and there are always exceptions. For example, teams will often change their schedule during bye weeks or before playing on Monday Night Football. And while most teams do hold their practices during the weekdays, there are always a few that choose to hold Saturday practices instead. So if you’re wondering what time your favorite team practicing this week, it’s best to check with the team directly or look at their weekly schedule online.


It is clear that there is a great deal of variation in the practice schedules of NFL teams. Some teams practice early in the morning, while others practice in the evening. Some teams have long practices, while others have shorter ones. Ultimately, it is up to each team to decide what time works best for them.

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