How to Throw a Circle Changeup in Baseball

A circle changeup is a type of baseball pitch thrown with a grip that forms a circle. It is thrown with the same arm action and velocity as a fastball, but generally with less speed. The circle changeup is also known as a “palm ball.”

How to Throw a Circle Changeup in Baseball


A circle changeup is a type of off-speed pitch in baseball that is thrown with the same arm motion as a fastball, but with a different grip. As the name implies, the grip for this pitch forms a circle. The circle changeup can be thrown by any pitcher, but it is most effective when thrown by a right-handed pitcher to a left-handed batter, or vice versa.

To throw a circle changeup, start by gripping the ball with your middle and ring fingers around the seam of the ball, and your index finger and thumb around the leather portion of the ball. Your thumb and index finger should form a “C” shape. Next, bring the ball up to your chest and cock your wrist so that your palm is facing away from your body. As you bring the ball up to your release point, snap your wrist so that your palm faces down and release the ball. The spin on the ball will cause it to break down and away from a right-handed batter, or in towards a left-handed batter.

The key to throwing an effective circle changeup is deception. Because the pitch is thrown with the same arm motion as a fastball, it is important to sell the pitch to the batter by keeping your arm speed consistent with that of a fastball. You should also try to keep the same release point as you would for a fastball. If done correctly, the batter will swing at the pitch as if it were a fastball only to watch it break down and away from them at the last second.

What is a Circle Changeup?

A circle changeup is a type of off-speed pitch in baseball that is thrown with the same arm motion as a fastball, but at a slower velocity and with finger pressure on the ball causing it to spin in a tight circle. This particular grip makes the ball appear to the batter as if it is a fastball, but then break late and drop down towards the ground, making it very difficult to hit.

To throw a circle changeup, start by holding the ball in your glove with your index and middle fingers around the seams and your thumb underneath the ball. As you bring your arm up to throw, snap your wrist so that your fingers move in a circular motion and release the ball when your hand is at shoulder level. The key to throwing a successful circle changeup is to keep your arm speed consistent with that of a fastball while still reducing the velocity of the pitch.

How to Throw a Circle Changeup

A circle changeup is one of the most effective pitches a baseball pitcher can throw. It is also one of the hardest pitches to master. Throwing a successful circle changeup requires a great deal of practice and patience.

The first thing you need to do is grip the ball properly. Place your index and middle fingers on top of the seams of the ball, and your thumb underneath. Your thumb should be touching the bottom seam, and your fingers should be touching the top two seams.

Next, you need to cock your wrist. This is what gives the ball its spin. When you cock your wrist, make sure that your thumb is pointing down towards the ground.

Now it’s time to throw the pitch. Start with your arm at shoulder level, and then bring it down towards your hip. As you bring your arm down, release the ball from your hand. The ball should rotate two-and-a-half times before it reaches the plate.

Remember, throwing a successful circle changeup requires a lot of practice. Don’t get discouraged if it takes you a while to get it right. With enough time and effort, you’ll be throwing strikes with ease!

Benefits of Throwing a Circle Changeup

Throwing a circle changeup can be a great way to deceive hitters and keep them off-balance. This pitch is especially effective against right-handed hitters, who have a hard time adjusting to the sudden change in speed and movement.

There are several benefits to throwing a circle changeup:

-It’s a great pitch for fooling hitters and inducing weak contact.
-It’s an effective way to change speeds and keep hitters off-balance.
-It can be used to backdoor breaking balls and get swings and misses.

If you’re looking for a way to improve your pitching repertoire, learn how to throw a circle changeup!


Congratulations! You have now learned how to throw a circle changeup in baseball. This pitch can be a very effective weapon in your repertoire, particularly if you can command it well. With this new pitch in your arsenal, you should be able to keep hitters off balance and get more outs. Good luck!

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