Why Do Baseball Players Wear Necklaces?

Why do baseball players wear necklaces? The answer may surprise you!

The History of Wearing Necklaces in Baseball

The use of necklaces by professional athletes is not a new phenomenon. In fact, the history of wearing necklaces in baseball can be traced back to the late 19th century. Baseball players began wearing necklaces as a way to show their team spirit and to show support for their favorite players. The tradition continued into the early 20th century, when players began wearing necklaces with their jerseys as a way to show unity and solidarity.

The trend of wearing necklaces in baseball began to decline in the mid-20th century, but it has seen a resurgence in recent years. Today, many players wear necklaces as a way to express their individuality and style. While some players wear simple gold chains, others opt for more flashy and unique pieces.Whatever the reason, there is no doubt that wearing a necklace has become a popular trend among baseball players.

The Different Types of Necklaces Worn by Baseball Players

Baseball players often wear necklaces as part of their uniform. The most common type of necklace worn by baseball players is a cross. Other popular choices include barbed wire, dog tags, and beads. Some players believe that the necklace helps them focus on the game and keeps them from making mistakes.

Wooden Bead Necklaces

Wooden bead necklaces are another popular choice among baseball players, and they come in a variety of colors and styles. One type of wooden bead necklace that has become increasingly popular in recent years is the so-called ” praying beads necklace.” These necklaces typically have 108 beads, which symbolize the 108 prayers in the Buddhist tradition. Many Buddhist monks and nuns wear these types of necklaces, and they are thought to bring good luck and protect the wearer from harm.

Hemp Necklaces

Hemp necklaces worn by baseball players serve a practical purpose as well as looking cool. The necklaces are meant to absorb moisture and keep the player’s skin from chafing against the collar of their jersey. They also help to keep the player’s shirt tucked in so that it does not get caught on the bat or glove.

Metal Necklaces

Necklaces made of zinc alloy, copper, or other metals are popular among baseball players. These necklaces are often called “dog tags” because they resemble the identification tags worn by soldiers. Metal necklaces are believed to promote healing by absorbing negative ions and free radicals. They also create a sense of calm and well-being.

The Reasons Why Baseball Players Wear Necklaces

While it might seem like baseball players are just trying to make a fashion statement by wearing necklaces, there are actually a few reasons why they do it. For one, necklaces can help absorb sweat and keep it from running down the player’s face. They can also help keep the player’s hair out of their eyes. In addition, necklaces can provide a bit of extra weight, which can help a player’s muscles stay loose and relaxed.

To Keep Their Bats Warm

It is a commonly held belief that baseball players wear necklaces to keep their bats warm. The theory goes that the warmth from the neck can help to improve the performance of the bat. However, there is no scientific evidence to support this claim. In fact, many professional players do not wear necklaces during games.

To Keep Their Arms Loose

While the reasons for wearing necklaces vary from player to player, one of the most common reasons is to keep their arms loose. Wearing a necklace allows players to have something around their necks that they can fidget with and play with throughout the game. This can help them keep their minds off of the game and help them stay loose and relaxed.

Another reason that players may wear necklaces is for superstitious reasons. Many players believe that wearing certain items can bring them good luck or help them play better. For example, some players may wear a cross or a crucifix necklace because they believe it will give them strength and power while they are playing. Others may wear more personal items, such as a family member’s birthstone, as a way of keeping their loved ones close to them while they are playing.

Ultimately, whether or not a player wears a necklace is up to the player themselves. Some players may feel that they do not need one, while others may find that it helps them relax and play their best.

For Good Luck

Many baseball players believe that wearing a necklace will bring them good luck. The most popular charm to wear is a cross, but other players will wear all kinds of different charms. Some players even have multiple necklaces that they will wear during different parts of the game.

For example, a player might wear one necklace when they are batting and another when they are pitching. This is because they believe that each necklace gives them a different type of luck. If a player is struggling in one area of the game, they might switch to a new necklace in an attempt to change their luck.

While it might seem like superstition, many players take their necklaces very seriously. Wearing one is seen as part of their game routine and something that helps them relax before and during the game. If a player doesn’t have their necklace with them, they will often feel very uneasy and out of sorts.

The Different Types of Good Luck Charms Worn by Baseball Players

Baseball players have been wearing good luck charms on the field for years. The most popular type of charm is the necklace. Other popular charms include bracelets, anklets, and even lucky underwear. While some players believe that these charms give them an extra edge on the field, others simply see it as a fun tradition.

Four-Leaf Clovers

The four-leaf clover is a rare mutation of the common three-leaf clover and is considered to be a very powerful good luck charm. This charm is said to bring the wearer good luck in all aspects of their life, but it is especially associated with good fortune in love and romance. Baseball players often wear four-leaf clover charms on necklaces to attract positive energy and bring them good luck on the field.


Many baseball players believe that wearing a horseshoe brings them good luck. There are many different ways to wear a horseshoe for luck. Some players wear it on a chain around their neck, while others tape it to the bill of their hat. It is also common to see players with a horseshoe tattoo.

Rabbit’s Feet

Rabbit’s feet are perhaps the most famous of all good luck charms worn by baseball players, and indeed athletes in general. The belief is that the foot of a rabbit, which is often considered a lucky animal, will bring good luck to the wearer. In some cases, the whole foot is worn, while in others just the ankle or portion of the foot containing the toes is shown. Often, the foot is dried and kept as a memento long after a player’s career is over.

The Superstitions of Wearing Necklaces in Baseball

It is not uncommon to see a baseball player with a necklace on, even though it is not part of the uniform. So why do baseball players wear them? There are a few reasons. First, it is considered a good luck charm. Necklaces have been worn by baseball players for years and the tradition has carried on. Secondly, it is a way to show support for a team or player.

Wearing the Same Necklace for Multiple Games

It’s not uncommon to see baseball players, at any level of the sport, wearing the same necklace for multiple games. While there may not be any concrete superstitions behind this decision, it’s likely that the players have found a piece of jewelry that they’re comfortable with and that they feel brings them luck on the diamond. Wearing the same necklace for multiple games allows the player to keep that sense of luck and comfort with them throughout the season.

Wearing a Necklace of a Certain Color

Some say that wearing a necklace of a certain color can also help a player with their batting. For example, many players believe that wearing red can help them with their power, while blue is said to help with hand-eye coordination. Green is said to be good for contact hitters, while black is said to bring bad luck.

Wearing a Necklace Given to Them by a Fan

It is not uncommon to see a player wearing a necklace that a fan has given to them. While this might seem like a kind gesture, there is actually a superstition behind it. Players believe that if they wear a necklace given to them by a fan, it will give them good luck. So, if you ever see a player wearing a necklace, there is a chance that it was given to them by a fan!

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