How Fast Can A 12 Year Old Throw A Baseball?

Can a 12 year old throw a baseball as fast as a professional? Read on to find out the answer to this question and more!

How Fast Can A 12 Year Old Throw A Baseball?


A 12 year old can throw a baseball anywhere from 40 to 60 miles per hour. The average 12 year old can throw a baseball between 50 and 55 miles per hour. However, there are always outliers and some 12 year olds can throw a baseball much faster than the average. There are a few things that can affect how fast a 12 year old can throw a baseball.

The Average 12 Year Old

In general, most 12 year olds are able to throw a baseball between 40 and 50 miles per hour. With proper training and coaching, some players may be able to increase their speed to up to 60 miles per hour.

The Fastest 12 Year Old

There is no definitive answer to this question, as each child develops at a different rate. However, according to the website, the fastest pitcher they have on record is a 12-year-old girl who throws 70mph.

Why Speed Matters

In baseball, as in many other sports, speed is an important determinant of success. A faster pitcher can deliver the ball to the batter before he has time to adjust to the pitch, making it more difficult to hit. A faster base runner can steal bases and score runs. And a player with a strong throwing arm can prevent runners from advancing.

For these reasons, many young athletes focus on increasing their speed. But how fast can a 12 year old throw a baseball?

The answer depends on several factors, including the player’s age, size, and strength. Generally speaking, however, most 12 year olds can throw a baseball between 40 and 50 miles per hour. Some players may be able to throw even faster, while others may fall below this range.

Increasing one’s throwing speed requires both physical and technical training. Players must work on strengthening their arm muscles through weightlifting and other exercises. They must also learn proper mechanics, such as keeping their elbow up when they throw and following through with their arm after they release the ball. With proper training, many players are able to increase their speed by 10 or even 20 miles per hour over the course of a few years.

So if you’re looking to increase your speed, start working on your strength and mechanics today. With some hard work, you might just find yourself at the top of the charts.

How to Increase Throwing Speed

Assuming you mean overhand throwing velocity, here are some tips:

1. First and foremost, throw a lot! The best way to increase throwing speed is to simply get out there and throw as much as possible. Consider joining a local baseball or softball team, or simply playing catch with a friend in the park. The more you throw, the better your arm will get at performing the complicated movements involved in throwing a ball fast.

2. Try different types of throws. In addition to just playing catch, try to mix up your throws by doing things like pitching from different distances, working on your pickoff moves, or even playing catch with a football. By doing different types of throws, you’ll keep your arm fresh and avoid overuse injuries.

3. Strength train your arm and shoulder. Throwing a baseball requires a lot of upper body strength, so it’s important to do exercises that target your arm and shoulder muscles. Things like bicep curls, tricep extensions, and shoulder presses are all great options. You can even use resistance bands to further increase the difficulty of these exercises.

4. Stretch regularly. Stretching is important for all athletes, but it’s especially important for pitchers since they put such a large amount of stress on their arm and shoulder muscles. Be sure to stretch both before and after you throw, and try to focus on stretching the muscles that are most used in pitching: the rotator cuff muscles, the elbow flexors and extensors, and theLatissimus dorsi muscle (“lat”).

5. Use proper form when throwing. It’s important to use proper mechanics when throwing a ball if you want to maximize your velocity while also minimizing your risk of injury. Some things to keep in mind include: using a “windup” before you throw (this gives you more momentum), keeping your elbow up (this allows you to generate more power), and following through with your throw (this helps transfer power from your body to the ball).


In conclusion, a 12 year old can throw a baseball an estimated 80 miles per hour. However, the definitive answer to how fast a 12 year old can throw a baseball depends on the specific child’s physical abilities.

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