How to Break In Your Baseball Bat

Have you ever purchased a baseball bat and wondered how to break it in? Check out this blog for some tips and tricks on how to break in your baseball bat!


There’s no question that a good baseball bat can make a huge difference in your game. But, with all the different types of bats on the market, it can be hard to know which one is right for you. And, once you’ve found the perfect bat, there’s still the question of how to break it in so that it performs at its best.

Here are a few tips on how to break in your baseball bat so that you can get the most out of it.

1. Start by soaking your bat in water for about an hour. This will help to soften the fibers in the wood and make them more pliable.

2. Next, wrap your bat tightly in a blanket or towels and secure it with tape or cord.

3. Once your bat is wrapped, place it in a tub or bucket filled with sand or sawdust. The goal here is to evenly distribute weight around the entire bat so that it compresses evenly as it dries.

4. Allow your bat to dry in the sand/sawdust for 24-48 hours. This will help to further compress the fibers in the wood and give your bat a more solid feel.

5. Once your bat has dried, remove it from the sand/sawdust and give it a good wash with soap and water. This will remove any debris from the bathing process and help to restore its natural luster.

With these simple steps, you can ensure that your baseball bat is ready for action!

What You’ll Need

To break in your baseball bat, you’ll need:
-Your bat
-A baseball
-A softball
-A heavy ball (optional)
-A bat weight (optional)
rip it up

Step One: Prepping the Bat

The first step in breaking in your baseball bat is to prep it. This means you need to remove the protective wax coating that is on the bat. You can do this by using a soft cloth and rubbing alcohol. Once the wax is gone, you need to apply a light coat of olive oil or petroleum jelly to the entire bat. This will help the batting gloves grip the bat better and prevent slipping.

Next, you need to take your batting gloves and rub them thoroughly into the bat. Be sure to get the gloves nice and broken in so they fit snugly on your hands. Once you have done this, it is time to move on to step two.

Step Two: Hitting the Ball

Now that the bat is prepared, it’s time to start hitting the ball. The first few times you use the bat, avoid hitting the ball as hard as you possibly can. Instead, focus on making contact with the ball. After a few hits, gradually start to increase your swing speed. Once you start feeling comfortable with the bat, you can start swinging at your normal speed.

Step Three: Checking the Bat

Before each use, check your bat for cracks, dents or other damage. If you find any damage, don’t use the bat and take it to a professional for repair. Also, make sure to check the knob of the bat, as this is a common place for damage to occur.

Step Four: Storing the Bat

Bats should be stored in a cool, dry place. The inside of a closet is a good option. Bats can also be stored in bat bags, but make sure to store them upright so the Barrel doesn’t touch the ground and the weight is evenly distributed. Bats can be stored in the home plate entrance of dugouts, but avoid storing them in extreme heat or direct sunlight as this could damage the bat.


Whether you are breaking in a new baseball bat or trying to revive an old one, the process is relatively simple. There are a few methods that you can use, but the most important thing is to be patient and take your time. Rushing through the process will not only be ineffective, but it could also damage your bat. So, take your time, experiment with different methods, and find the one that works best for you. With a little bit of effort, you will have a bat that is ready to help you take your game to the next level.

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