What Does the Baseball Stat MVR Mean?

MVR stands for “Mound Visit Record.” It’s a baseball stat that measures how often a pitcher visits the mound during a game.

What Does the Baseball Stat MVR Mean?

MVR is a baseball stat that stands for…

MVR is a baseball stat that stands for Maximum Velocity Release. It is a measure of the fastest speed at which a pitcher releases the ball during his pitching motion.

MVR measures a player’s…

MVR measures a player’s total value, or their combined contributions in all aspects of the game. It takes into account their batting, baserunning, fielding, and pitching, and assigns a numerical value to each category. The sum of these values is the player’s MVR.

MVR is used to…

MVR is short for Manufacturing Vector Result, and it’s a baseball stat that quantifies the production of a hitter. It does this by assigning run values to hits and outs based on the number of runners on base and the number of outs in the inning. The stat was created by Tom Tango, and you can read more about it here.

MVR is a useful stat because…

MVR is a useful stat because it can be used to compare players across positions. It also adjusts for a player’s home park, which is important because some parks are better suited for hitters or pitchers.

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