What Size Glove Does a 12 Year Old Baseball Player Need?

A parent or guardian of a 12 year old baseball player may ask themselves, “What size glove does a 12 year old baseball player need?” The answer to this question is not as simple as it may seem. There are a few things to consider before purchasing a glove for a 12 year old baseball player.

What Size Glove Does a 12 Year Old Baseball Player Need?


There is no single answer to this question as the appropriate glove size for a 12 year old baseball player will vary depending on a number of factors, including the player’s position, level of play, and personal preferences. However, there are some general guidelines that can be followed in order to choose the right size glove for a 12 year old player.

Generally speaking, infielders will need smaller gloves than outfielders, and players at higher levels of play will need larger gloves than those playing at lower levels. Additionally, some players prefer a tighter fit while others prefer a looser fit.

With all of these factors to consider, the best way to find the right size glove for a 12 year old baseball player is to have the player try on several different gloves until they find one that feels comfortable and provides them with the necessary level of support and protection.

Glove Sizes for 12 Year Old Baseball Players

In order to find the correct size glove for a 12 year old baseball player, it is important to know how to measure for a glove. The player’s hand should be measured from the base of the palm to the top of the middle finger. The player’s hand should also be measured from the bottom of the palm to the wrist. These measurements will help to determine what size glove the player will need.

How to Measure Glove Size

To find the right size baseball glove, have your child try on gloves in different sizes and brands until he or she finds one that feels comfortable. Since glove sizes vary by brand, it’s a good idea to try on several different gloves before making a purchase.

When trying on a baseball glove, your child should:
-Wear the same type of batting glove he or she wears when hitting.
-Extend his or her arm fully and open the hand all the way.
-Assess how well the glove fits both around the wrist and at the fingertips. There should be no gap between the glove and skin, but the glove shouldn’t be too tight either.
-Flex the hand inside the glove to make sure there’s enough room to do so comfortably.
-Close the glove and hold it up to see if any part of the palm is exposed.

What Size Glove Does a 12 Year Old Baseball Player Need?

There is no definitive answer to this question as the appropriate glove size for a 12 year old baseball player will vary depending on the individual child’s hand size, playing position and personal preference. However, we have put together some general guidelines to help you choose the right glove size for your child.

For infielders, a smaller glove is typically worn in order to facilitate quicker ball transfer from glove to hand. A good rule of thumb is to choose a glove that is approximately 2 inches shorter than the child’s forearm. For outfielders, a larger glove is worn to help with better ball control and avoiding errors. A good rule of thumb for outfielders is to choose a glove that is approximately 1 inch longer than the child’s forearm.

As far as hand size goes, it is important to remember that a child’s hands will continue to grow and change shape as they age, so it is important to not buy a glove that is too small or too large in an attempt to get more use out of it. If possible, have your child try on different gloves in order to get a feel for what size works best for them.

Keep in mind that these are just general guidelines and that ultimately the decision of what size glove to buy for your child should be based on their individual needs and preferences.


A 12 year old baseball player needs a glove that is between 11.5 and 12 inches in length. The size of the glove should be based on the player’s position. Pitchers and infielders need smaller gloves, while outfielders need larger gloves.

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