How Big Is A Nba Basketball?

The answer may surprise you – the official size of an NBA basketball is 29.5 inches in circumference and 9.2 pounds.


The size of a NBA basketball is quite large. It is about 30 inches in circumference and 9.5 inches in diameter. It is also about 22 ounces in weight.

The official size of an NBA basketball is 29.5 inches in circumference.

The circumference of an NBA basketball can range from 29.5 to 30 inches. As long as the ball is within those measurements, it is considered an official NBA basketball. The NBA has specific guidelines on the weight and material of their balls. The weight of the ball should be 22 ounces, and it should be made of leather or a composite material.

The ball must weigh between 22 and 24 ounces.

The ball must weigh between 22 and 24 ounces and have a circumference between 28.5 and 29.5 inches. It was originally made of brown leather and weighed only a few ounces less than today’s ball, resulting in many players cutting them open to relieve the weight. As the quality of the playing surfaces improved, the ball became lighter so that it would not wear out surface as quickly.


The size of an NBA basketball has changed throughout the years. The first official basketball size was used in the early 1900s and was between 9.25 and 9.5 inches in circumference. The size was increased to 9.5 inches in 1936, and then to 9.75 inches in 1949. The current size of an NBA basketball is 9.75 inches in circumference.

The size of the NBA basketball has been changed several times throughout the years.

The very first basketballs were made out of brown leather and they were quite a bit smaller than the basketballs we use today. The size of the NBA basketball has been changed several times throughout the years. In fact, it wasn’t until 1951 that the size of the basketball was standardized to its current size of 29.5 inches in circumference.

The reason for changing the size of the basketball was simply to provide a better user experience for players. Smaller balls were more difficult to handle and shoot, so increasing the size made it easier for players to control and score. Today, the NBA ball is made out of synthetic leather and is inflated to a pressure of 7-9 psi.

The first change was made in 1951, when the circumference was increased from 28.5 to 29 inches.

In 1951, Dean Smith, later the winningest coach in NCAA Division I men’s basketball history, was a freshman on the University of Kansas Jayhawks. His head coach, Phog Allen, asked him to go to a drugstore and buy a new basketball. The reason: Allen wanted his players to have an advantage over their opponents by using a ball that was slightly bigger than the one used by most other teams.

The NBA soon followed suit, adopting Smith’s idea and increasing the circumference of its basketball from 28.5 inches to 29 inches in 1951-52. The change made it easier for players to shoot, and scoring averages jumped from 79.5 points per game in 1950-51 to 83.5 in 1951-52.

The size of the basketball remained unchanged for four decades until it was increased again, this time to 30 inches, prior to the start of the 1990-91 season. The reasoning behind the second change was simple: officials wanted to make it harder for players to palm the ball, which had become increasingly prevalent throughout the 1980s.By making the ball bigger, officials hoped that it would be more difficult for players to control it with one hand.

The results were eye-opening: scoring dropped by more than five points per game in 1990-91, from 106.7 points per game in 1989-90 to 101.2 points per game. Three-point shooting also decreased sharply, falling from 29 percent in 1989-90 to 25 percent in 1990-91.

(How Big Is A Nba Basketball?)


The size of the basketball is very important because it needs to be able to fit in the hoop and also be easy to grip for the players. A basketball that is too small will be difficult to grip and control, and a basketball that is too large will not fit in the hoop.

The size of the basketball is important because it affects the way the game is played.

The size of the basketball is important because it affects the way the game is played. A larger basketball means that players have to cover more ground and run more, which can lead to fatigue. A smaller basketball means that players can move around the court more easily and are less likely to get tired.

A larger ball is easier to handle and dribble than a smaller ball, and it also bounces higher.

The size of a basketball is important because it affects how well a player can handle and dribble the ball, as well as how high it bounces. A larger ball is easier to handle and dribble than a smaller ball, and it also bounces higher.

The size of a basketball also affects the game itself. For example, a smaller basketball would be used in a game where players are trying to score as many points as possible in a short period of time. A larger basketball would be used in a game where players are trying to score points by making the most baskets in a longer period of time.

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