How to Dunk in NBA 2K21

Check out these tips on how to increase your vertical jump and posterize your opponents in NBA 2K21.


Dunking in NBA 2k21 has been made much easier this year with the introduction of the new “Takeoff” button. This mechanic allows you to take off from anywhere on the floor, making it much simpler to Posterize your opponent. Follow these simple steps and you’ll be throwing down like Zion Williamson in no time!

##1. Get close to the hoop
This may seem like an obvious one, but it’s worth mentioning. The closer you are to the hoop, the easier it will be to dunk. If you’re too far away, you’ll just end up Layin’ it in or getting your shot blocked.

##2. Use the Takeoff button
The “Takeoff” button is a new addition to NBA 2K21 that allows you to take off from anywhere on the floor. Simply hold down the button and your player will take off towards the basket. You can even use it while driving to the hoop for a more powerful dunk.

##3. Use a Jump Shot Meter Dunk Package
If you want an even higher chance of successful slamming it home, make sure to equip a Jump Shot Meter Dunk Package before attempting your dunk. This will give you a slight boost to your vertical leap, making it easier to throw down those monster jams.

With these simple tips, you’ll be Posterizing your opponents in no time!

The Jumpshot Creator

In NBA 2K21, there are a lot of ways to score. You can shoot threes, drive to the basket, or even post up your opponent. But one of the most thrilling ways to score is by dunking the ball.

Unfortunately, not everyone is able to dunk in real life. And in NBA 2K21, it can be just as difficult. So how can you do it?

The first thing you need to do is create your player. When you’re creating your player, make sure to select a power forward or center as your position. These are the only two positions that can dunk by default in NBA 2K21.

Once you’ve created your player and chosen your position, go to the MyPlayer page and select “attributes.” From there, scroll down to “inside scoring” and make sure it’s maxed out at 99. This will give you the best chance of being able to dunk in NBA 2K21.

If you want an even better chance of being able to dunk, consider equipping the badge “tear dropper.” This badge will increase your ability to score around the rim and make it more likely that you’ll be able to dunk the ball.

Once you have all of this set up, go into a game and try driving to the basket. If you have the necessary attributes and badges, you should be able to dunk the ball with ease!

The Shot Meter

In order to make a successful dunk in NBA 2K21, you’ll need to make use of the shot meter. The shot meter is located at the bottom of the screen and will fill up as you hold down the shoot button. When the meter is full, you’ll want to release the button in order to make your dunk attempt. If you release the button too early or too late, your dunk will likely fail.

The Release Point

As you know, in order to dunk in NBA 2K21, you’ll need to have a certain amount of headroom. You can find your release point by holding down the shoot button and then pressing the pass button. The release point is the highest possible point that your character can reach while still holding the ball.

In order to make your dunk more impressive, you’ll want to release the ball as high above the rim as possible. To do this, you’ll need to time your jump perfectly so that you reach the apex of your jump at the same time that the ball reaches the release point. This can be tricky, but with a little practice you should be able to get it down.

Once you’ve got your timing down, it’s time to start thinking about how you want to dunk the ball. There are two main ways to dunk in NBA 2K21: off one foot or off two feet.

Off one foot: When jumping off one foot, you’ll want to extend your leg forward and throw the ball downward into the basket. As you extend your leg, make sure to cock your wrist back so that you can generate enough power to slam the ball through the hoop.

Off two feet: When jumping off two feet, you’ll want to get more height by pushing off of both legs equally. As you reach the apex of your jump, tuck the ball under your chin and then fling it up into the air so that it comes down into the basket with plenty of force.

The Green Window

Green Window – The green window is the timeframe in which you can dunk the ball. If the icon is white, your chance of making the dunk is very high. If it’s green, your chance of making the dunk is good. If it’s yellow, your chance is 50/50. And if it’s red, your chance of making the dunk is very low.

The Perfect Timing

Dunking in NBA 2K21 requires the perfect timing. The player needs to perform a jump stop just as they reach the apex of their jump. While in the air, they must then press and hold the Dunk / Layup button. As long as the button is held, the player will perform a dunk.

The Follow Through

After you’ve initiated the dunk motion, you’ll need to time your follow through perfectly in order to successfully complete the dunk. The follow through is simple enough – just hold the dunk button down until your player finishes the animation.

If you time it correctly, your player will leap up into the air and slam the ball through the hoop with authority. If you don’t quite get the timing right, your player will still attempt the dunk, but it likely won’t go in and you’ll be rewarded with lower points for the play.


In conclusion, to dunk in NBA 2K21, you need to do the following things: first, get close to the hoop; second, time your jump; third, use your analysis of the situation and act accordingly.

You also need to make sure that you have enough space to complete the dunk. And finally, use your momentum and power to help you execute the perfect dunk.

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