How to Alley Oop in NBA 2K20 for PS4

Looking to add a little extra flair to your game in NBA 2K20? Check out our guide on how to alley oop for PlayStation 4!


In NBA 2K20 for PS4, you can now alley oop to your teammates with ease, thanks to the new button prompt that appears above your player’s head when they’re in a good position to catch an alley oop pass. Here’s how to do an alley oop in NBA 2K20.

What is an Alley Oop?

In basketball, an alley-oop is a play in which one player throws the ball near the basket to a teammate who jumps, catches the ball in mid-air and scores a basket.

Alley-oops are considered high-percentage shots because they are often completed close to the basket and because the defense is not expecting the offensive player to be able to catch and shoot the ball in mid-air. Consequently, alley-oops often result in easy baskets.

In order to execute an alley-oop in NBA 2K20, you will need to make sure that your team has good spacing on the court and that you have at least one teammate who is capable of catching and shooting the ball in mid-air. You will also need to make sure that your PS4 controller is properly configured for alley-oops.

Once you have determined that your team is positioned properly and that your controller is configured correctly, you can execute an alley-oop by pressing the button.

The benefits of Alley Ooping

Alley-Ooping is a move in basketball that can be used to score baskets or make passes. The benefits of Alley Ooping are that it can allow for higher percentage shots, as well as being able to surprise the defense. Additionally, it can also be used to get the ball to a teammate in a better position to score.

Alley Oop in NBA 2K20

Alley-oop passes are some of the most fun and gratifying assists you can string together in NBA 2K20. The basic concept is to have one player lob the ball up to another player who is cutting to the basket for an easy dunk or layup. It’s a play that can often lead to fast-break points, and it’s relatively simple to execute once you get the hang of it. Here’s how to do an alley-oop pass in NBA 2K20.

First, you’ll need two players on your team — one near the basket, and one with the ball out on the perimeter. We recommend using your point guard for the perimeter player, as they are generally the best ball handlers on the team. For the player near the basket, use whomever you want, although a taller player will obviously be better for dunking the ball.

Once you have your two players in position, press and hold down the “Lob Pass” button. On PlayStation 4, this is Circle + X. A white dashed line will appear from your perimeter player to your post player near the basket. As long as this line remains unbroken, your alley-oop pass will be successful. Time your release so that your post player can run up and jump to catch the ball at its highest point for an easy slam dunk.


As you can see, there are a few different ways that you can alley oop in NBA 2K20 for PS4. You can do it from the dribble, from a standstill, or off the backboard. alley ooping is a great way to add some excitement to your game and score some easy points. Practice all of these methods so that you can be prepared for any situation that may come up in a game.

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