How to Put Grip on a Tennis Racket

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How to Put Grip on a Tennis Racket

Having a good grip on your tennis racket is important for a number of reasons. First, it will help you to generate more power when hitting the ball. Second, it will improve your accuracy. Third, it will give you better control over the racket.

There are a few different ways that you can put grip on a tennis racket. The most common is to use overgrip.


If you play tennis, sooner or later you’re going to have to change the grip on your racket. The process is not difficult, but it’s important to do it correctly so that the new grip will last and feel comfortable. You’ll need a few supplies, including a sharp knife, a can of aerosol spray adhesive, black electrical tape, and your choice of either a replacement grip or overgrip.

Reasons for needing to put grip on a tennis racket

If you are a beginner, you may think that putting a grip on your racket is not necessary. However, as you become more proficient and play in hotter weather, you will begin to realize the importance of having a good grip on your racket. There are several reasons why you may need to put a grip on your racket:

-Your hands sweat more in hot weather and the grip becomes slippery.
-You may play more tennis in the summer months and need to replace an old grip that has become worn out.
-You may have recently bought a new racket and need to put a grip on it before using it.
-You may have recently had surgery on your hand or fingers and need to put a grip on your racket to help with your gripping strength.
-You may want to try a different type of grip or size of grip than the one that came with your racket.

Whatever the reason, it is not difficult to put a grip on your tennis racket. You will need to purchase a few items before beginning, but once you have those items, the process is quick and easy.

Types of racket grips

There are three common types of racket grips: overgrips, integrated grips, and replacement grips. Overgrips are thin sheets of material that players wrap around the existing grip of their racket for added cushioning,absorption, or both. Many overgrips come pre-taped at the edges to provide easy application. Integrated grips are cushioned grips that are permanently affixed to the handle during manufacturing and cannot be removed without replacing the entire grip. Replacement grips are also cushioned grips, but they can be removed and replaced as needed.

Players usually apply an overgrip to their racket if they sweat a lot or if they find the existing racket grip too slippery. If a player has trouble holding on to their racket during play, an overgrip can help to alleviate this issue. Overgrips come in a variety of colors, thicknesses, and textures.

Integrated grips are less common than overgrips and are typically only seen on tennis rackets made for beginners or children. They’re not as popular as overgrips because they can’t be customized and don’t offer as much cushioning or absorption. Replacement grips are the most popular type of racket grip among professional players because they offer a great deal of customization. Players can choose from a variety of colors, thicknesses, textures, and patterns when choosing a replacement grip.

Applying a grip to your racket is a fairly simple process that only takes a few minutes to complete. Once you’ve chosen the type of grip you want to use, follow the steps below:

1) Start by removing any existing grip from your racket. If there’s an integrated grip or replacement grip on your racket, you can peel it off. If there’s an overgrip on your racket, you’ll need to use Grip Remove pliers or scissors to remove it.
2) Clean the surface of your racket with rubbing alcohol or another cleaning agent before applying the new grip. This will help ensure that the new grip adheres properly.
3) Begin applying the new grip at the bottom of the handle and work your way up towards the top of the handle. Make sure that you start in the middle of the handle so that you don’t apply too much pressure to one side
4) Once you reach the top of the handle, trim off any excess material with scissors or Grip Remove pliers. Make sure that you leave enough material so that it wraps around the top of the handle and tucks underneath itself

How to put grip on a tennis racket

You’ll need a few items to Properly Put Grip on a Tennis Racquet including:
-Grip Tape (2-3 strips depending on the size of your hand)
-Solvent (a.k.a. Lighter Fluid, Naphtha, Petrolatum Jelly)

1. Start by cutting the strips of grip tape into thirds. Grip tape is sticky on one side and has a powdery backing. Stick the strips to the palm of your hand, powdery side down.

2. With the solvent on the rag, wipe down the area of the racket where you will be applying the grip tape. This will help the grip tape adhere better to the racket. You can also use moisture from your mouth to wet down the area if you don’t have any solvent handy. Be sure to wipe away any excess moisture so it doesn’t get under the grip tape and make it slippery.

3. Starting at the bottom of the handle, apply pressure to one end of a strip of grip tape and attach it to the racket. Slowly wrap the strip around the handle, pulling it tight as you go. Wrap it until you reach the top of the handle, then cut off any excess with scissors and press down on all edges to secure them in place. You can also use a hair dryer to help seal in place if needed.

4. Repeat this process with additional strips of grip tape until you have a comfortable layer that fits snugly in your hand without being too thick or too thin.


Putting a grip on a tennis racket is not as hard as it may seem. With a little practice, anyone can do it. By following the steps above, you can be sure that your grip will be tight and secure.

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