How To Win A Tiebreaker In Tennis?

Learn how to win a tiebreaker in tennis by following these simple tips and strategies.


A tiebreaker is a scoring system used in some sports, most notably tennis, to quickly resolve otherwise uncompleted matches when there is a tied score. In tennis, a tiebreaker may be played if the score reaches 6–6 in any set except for the fifth (final) set, in which case a 12-point tiebreaker (commonly nicknamed “overtime”) may be played instead. A tiebreaker resolves the score of a single set; it is not used to extend to a best-of series as in some other sports.

The Basics of a Tiebreaker

A tiebreaker is a contest between two players who are tied in a tennis match at 6 games all in any set (except the final set of a match, which is usually played to 6 or 7 games). The winner of a tiebreaker wins the set by a score of 7–6 or 6–7.

To start a tiebreaker, the player who did not serve first in the last game of the set will serve first. From that point on, service alternates between players just as it did during regular play leading up to the tiebreaker. The player serving first in the tiebreaker will serve from the same end of the court as he or she served during regular play.

The tiebreaker is played to 7 points, but like regular games, players must win by 2 points (so it’s possible for the score to go to 6–6). The player who served first in the tiebreaker will continue to serve as long as his or her opponent does not win 2 consecutive points. If that happens, then service will alternate between players after every point.

Players can only win points on their own serves — they cannot “win” their opponent’s serve by hitting winners or forcing errors. If a server wins a point on his or her second serve, that point does not count and he or she must try to win the point again on his or her third serve.

Winning a Tiebreaker

A tiebreaker is a scoring system used in tennis to decide the winner of a tennis match that cannot be won by either player through normal play. The tiebreaker is used only when the score reaches 6 games all in any given set. The player who wins the tiebreaker is the winner of that set.

Winning the first point

The first step to winning a tiebreaker is to win the first point. This may seem obvious, but it’s worth repeating: in order to win a tiebreaker, you must first win a point. It’s simple enough in theory, but can be quite difficult in practice.

There are two ways to win the first point of a tiebreaker. The first is to serve an ace, and the second is to force your opponent to make a mistake.

If you’re serving, your goal should be to hit your strongest serve down the middle of the court. This will give you the best chance of hitting an ace. If you don’t have a strong serve, or if your opponent is good at returning serves down the middle, you’ll need to be more creative. Try serving to your opponent’s weakness, or mixing up your serves (for example, serving a few serves to the body followed by an ace down the middle).

If you’re receiving, your goal should be to put pressure on your opponent’s serve. Try to return every serve with interest, and make them work for every point. If they make a mistake, pounce on it and take the point.

Once you’ve won the first point, it’s important to keep the momentum going. Winning the first point gives you a psychological advantage, and puts your opponent on their back foot. Use this advantage wisely, and try not to let them back into the tiebreaker.

Taking the early lead

The most important thing in a tennis tiebreaker is to take the early lead. If you can win the first point, you’ll put your opponent on the back foot and put yourself in a strong position. If you lose the first point, it can be much harder to come back and win the tiebreaker.

Staying aggressive

The biggest thing to remember when playing a tiebreaker is to stay aggressive. A lot of players get nervous and start playing safe, which allows their opponents to take control of the tiebreaker. While you don’t want to make too many mistakes, you also don’t want to let your opponent dictate the points.

Another important thing to remember is to use your strengths. Tiebreakers are often decided by who can play their best tennis when the pressure is on. If you have a big serve, use it. If you’re a great volleyer, come to the net more often. Don’t try to do anything you’re not comfortable with, just play your game and trust your skills.

Finally, don’t get discouraged if you lose a few points. A lot of tiebreakers are decided by just a few points, so even if you’re down early, keep fighting and stay aggressive. You never know when a couple of key points can turn the tide and allow you to win the tiebreaker.


At its most basic, a tennis tiebreaker is simply a mini version of the sport played to resolve a scoreline when both players have won the same number of games in a set. The winner of a tiebreaker is the first player to reach at least seven points, provided they are leading by two clear points – so, for example, 7-5, 8-6 or 9-7. If both players reach six points each, then the tiebreaker is decided by a sudden death point – the next point wins.

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