What Is The Scoring For Tennis?

Tennis is a sport that is scored by points. The winner of a tennis match is the player who wins the most points.

The Basics

In tennis, a player scores a point when the opponent is unable to return the ball within the prescribed dimensions of the court. The basic tennis scoring system is as follows: If the server wins the point, he is awarded a point and moves to 0-1. If the receiver wins the point, he is awarded a point and moves to 1-0. If the server loses the point, he remains at 0-1. If the receiver loses the point, he remains at 1-0.


Love – zero points.

A game starts with a player serving the ball to the other player, who then return it. If the ball hits the net on the serve and still goes over into the other player’s court, then it is called a let and play stops while the point is replayed.

The server continues to serve until he or she loses a point, at which time play passes to the other player. The players continue to alternate serving and receiving until one of them has won enough points to win the game.


In tennis, “deuce” means that the score is tied at 40-40 (or 3-3 in a tiebreaker). When the score reaches deuce, the next point wins the game — that is, if one player wins the next point, they win the game. However, if the player who lost the point wins the next one, the score goes back to deuce. This can happen multiple times until one player finally gets two consecutive points and wins the game.


If the score reaches Deuce, then one player will have Advantage. This means they will serve the next point. If they win this point, then they win the game. However, if they lose the point, then the score returns to Deuce.

The Scoring

Tennis is a game played with two or four players where players use rackets to hit a ball over a net into the other player’s court. The main aim of the game is to score points by hitting the ball in such a way that the other player is not able to return it, or by making the other player make a mistake.


The scoring in tennis is interesting because it is not always linear. In other words, the person who wins the most points does not always win the game, set, or match. Instead, tennis uses a system of scoring that goes 0, 15, 30, 40, and then game point. The first player to reach four points wins the game, but there are some special rules that apply when both players have reached three points.

If both players have 40 points, the score is referred to as deuce. In order to win the game from this position, a player must score two consecutive points. This is why you sometimes see scores like 40-15 or 30-0; the first player only needed one more point to win the game from that position.

Once a player has won six games (referred to as a set), he or she can win the match by winning two more sets. However, if both players have won six games each, then a tiebreaker is used to determine who wins the match. The tiebreaker is simply a race to seven points; whoever wins seven points first wins the match.


The scoring system in tennis is very straightforward. A match is played over the best of three or five sets, with each set being won by the player who first reaches six games, provided they are leading their opponent by two games. If the score in any set reaches 6-6, then a tie-break is played to decide that set. The tie-break is simply won by the player who first manages to score seven points, provided they are leading their opponent by two points.


Matches are the best of three sets, except for the men’s singles at Wimbledon, the men’s doubles at Wimbledon and all events at the Olympic Games, which use best of five sets. The first to win two clear sets (i.e. by a margin of two games or more) wins the match. If the score reaches one set all and one player then wins two consecutive games, that player wins the match. If necessary, a deciding set is played to determine the winner of the match. This is usually played as a best-of-three-sets contest but Wimbledon, again, uses a best-of-five-sets format for men’s singles matches. The winners of matches progress in tournaments while the losers are eliminated.

The Tiebreaker

The most common type of tiebreaker in tennis is the one used in singles matches. In this tiebreaker, the player who wins the first set by a margin of two games wins the match. If the score of the first set reaches 6-6, then a tiebreaker is played to determine the winner of the set. The tiebreaker is also used in doubles matches.

The First Tiebreaker

The first tiebreaker is when the score reaches 6-6 in any set (regardless of if it’s the first, second or third set). At this point, a player must win by two clear points. So, if the score reaches 7-7, 8-8 and so on, the game continues until one player leads by two clear points.

There are no let serves in a tiebreaker. This means that if a player hits the ball into the net on their serve, they do not get a second chance. They simply lose the point.

The player who wins the first point of a tiebreaker will serve first. After this, each player will alternate serving for two points until one player leads by at least two points and therefore wins the tiebreaker (and the set).

The Second Tiebreaker

If the score reaches 6 games all, a tie-break game (sometimes called a 12-point tiebreaker) is played. The tie-break game is won by the player who wins at least 7 points, and at least 2 points more than their opponent. In the event of a 6–6 score, a set is extended until a player takes a two game lead (e.g., 8–6 or 10–8).

The Third Tiebreaker

The third tiebreaker is less common and is only used if the first two tiebreakers cannot produce a winner. In the third tiebreaker, a player must win by two points. For example, if the score reaches 6-6, the next player to score will win the game and set, 7-6.

The Advantage Set

In tennis, the scoring system is a bit more complicated than in other sports. The game is played with two players or two teams of two players each. The purpose of the game is to hit the ball over the net into the opponent’s court, and to prevent the opponent from doing the same. The player who scores the most points in a set wins the set.

The First Advantage Set

The first advantage set goes to the player who wins four games with a margin of two games or more. If the score is 4-4, a tiebreaker may be played in order to determine who wins the first advantage set. The tiebreaker is usually played as the best of seven points, with each player starting at zero and serving once during each point. The winner of the tiebreaker (or the person who reaches 7 points first) is said to win the set.

The Second Advantage Set

When one player leads a set by two games and then wins the next two games, that player has won the second advantage set and the match. The score will be 0-1, 0-2, 1-2, 2-2, 2-3, 3-3, 4-3, 5-3, 5-4.

The Third Advantage Set

If one player has won two sets in a best of five set match, then that player is said to be leading by two sets to love or two sets to zero. At this point, the player who is leading the match is just one set away from victory. However, the other player still has a chance to turn things around and win the match. This is where the advantage set comes into play.

The third set of a tennis match is played as a normal set until one player has won six games and led by two games. At this point, the player who is leading the set by two games can choose to either serve for the seventh game or receive service. If the player chooses to serve, then they will serve from the deuce court. This means that they will start the seventh game with a score of 40-love. If they choose to receive service, then they will do so from the ad court. This means that their opponent will start the seventh game with a score of 30-love.

The purpose of this system is to ensure that neither player has an advantage over the other when it comes to serving or receiving. This makes for a more fair and balanced match. It also means that if one player does happen to win seven games in a row, then they have truly earned their victory.

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