Has WWE Lost Its Ratings?

World Wrestling Entertainment has been a top company in the sports entertainment world for many years. But, has WWE lost its ratings?


Once a dominant force in professional wrestling, WWE has seen its ratings steadily decline in recent years. On Monday nights, WWE’s flagship program Raw regularly loses out to TNT’s drama series Monday Night Football in the Nielsen ratings. But why have WWE’s ratings been declining? Let’s take a look at some possible reasons.

WWE’s Poor Creative Decisions

In this decade, the WWE has been on a downward trend in the ratings department. This is due to many creative decisions that have been made by the company. In this article, we will be discussing the poor creative decisions that the WWE has made in recent years.

Boring storylines

wWE has been losing its ratings for a variety of reasons, but one of the most significant is WWE’s poor creative decisions. For years, WWE has been producing boring storylines that lack the excitement and entertainment that used to make professional wrestling so popular. As a result, many fans have become disinterested in WWE programming, and ratings have suffered as a result.

One of the biggest problems with WWE’s current storylines is that they are often too predictable. In many cases, it is obvious who is going to win or lose a match long before it even happens. This lack of suspense makes it difficult for fans to become invested in what is happening, and as a result, they are less likely to tune in on a regular basis.

Another issue with WWE’s current product is that there is often little consequence for losing. In the past, losing a match could mean being demoted to a lower card or even being fired. However, in recent years, it seems as though losing has little impact on a wrestler’s position within WWE. As a result, there is less incentive for fans to care about who wins or loses since the outcomes often seem arbitrary.

WWE has also been facing increased competition from other forms of entertainment in recent years. With so many options available to viewers, it has becoming increasingly difficult to keep people’s attention focused on professional wrestling. In order to win back its audience, WWE will need to start producing better storylines that are more exciting and unpredictable. Only then will it be able to reclaim its place as the top wrestling promotion in the world.

Lack of fresh talent

WWE’s lack of fresh talent is a major reason why the company has seen a decline in ratings over the past few years. The WWE Universe has become increasingly frustrated with the company’s creative decisions, which many feel are outdated and stale.

WWE has been relying heavily on part-timers and veterans in recent years, and while some of these stars are still popular with fans, many feel that it is time for WWE to focus on developing new talent. There are a number of incredibly talented wrestlers currently signed to WWE, but they are often overshadowed by more established stars.

The lack of fresh talent on WWE programming has been a major contributor to the declining ratings, as fans have become bored with the product. If WWE does not make some changes soon, they will continue to lose viewers.

WWE’s Business Struggles

Since the early 2000s, WWE has been the most dominant wrestling company in the world. But in recent years, WWE has been struggling. its television ratings are down, its live event attendance is down, and its merchandise sales are down. WWE is a publicly traded company, and its stock price hasreflects its struggles. In this article, we’ll take a look at WWE’s business struggles and what the company needs to do to turn things around.

declining live event attendance

One of WWE’s most troubling business trends in recent years has been declining live event attendance.

In fact, live event attendance has been on the decline for WWE since peaking in 2008. That year, WWE drew more than 1.2 million fans to its live events. But by 2017, that number had fallen to just under 700,000.

There are a number of factors that could be contributing to WWE’s declining live event attendance. One is declining TV ratings. Another is the fact that WWE has become increasingly reliant on its network and pay-per-view model, which means that fans have less incentive to attend live events.

But whatever the reasons for WWE’s declining live event attendance, it’s clear that it is a problem for the company. And it’s one that WWE will need to address if it wants to turn things around.

declining merchandise sales

WWE’s merchandise sales have been declining in recent years. In fact, total revenue from merchandise sales has been on the decline since 2013. This is a significant problem for WWE, as merchandise sales are a key source of revenue for the company.

WWE has tried to offset the decline in merchandise sales by launching new products and initiatives, but so far these efforts have not been successful. The company is also facing competition from other entertainment companies, such as UFC, which are eating into its market share.

The decline in merchandise sales is just one of the challenges WWE is currently facing. The company is also struggling with declining TV ratings, which could lead to further problems down the road.

WWE’s dwindling television ratings

WWE’s television ratings have been in decline for several years now. While the company has been able to maintain its position as the top wrestling promotion in the world, its once- Dominant position on television is no longer what it once was.

There are a number of reasons for WWE’s declining ratings. The company’s flagship show, Monday Night Raw, has seen its ratings drop sharply since it moved to three hours in 2012. In addition, WWE’s competition from other promotions has increased in recent years, with promotions like All Elite Wrestling and New Japan Pro-Wrestling becoming much more popular among wrestling fans.

Ultimately, WWE’s decline in ratings is due to a number of factors. The company will need to make some changes if it wants to regain its place as the top wrestling promotion in the world.


To answer the question asked in the title, it is difficult to say for certain whether WWE has lost its ratings. The company’s flagship program, “Monday Night Raw,” has seen a decline in viewership over the past year, but this is to be expected when comparing live ratings to DVR+3 ratings. Additionally, “SmackDown Live” has been able to maintain its place as the second most watched show on cable television, despite losing viewers in the 18-49 demographic. WWE’s overall ratings may be down, but the company is still very much profitable and continues to dominate the world of professional wrestling.

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