How to Join an Esports League

Joining an Esports league is a great way to get started in the competitive gaming world. But how do you join one? We break it down for you in this blog post.


Joining an esports league is a great way to compete against other gamers and test your skills. There are many different leagues available, so it’s important to choose one that’s right for you. Here are some things to keep in mind when choosing a league:

-The type of game you want to play: There are leagues for all types of games, from first-person shooters (FPS) to multiplayer online battle arenas (MOBA). If you’re not sure what type of game you want to play, try out a few different ones and see which one you enjoy the most.

-Your skill level: Some leagues are open to all skill levels, while others are invite-only for the top players. If you’re just starting out, it’s probably best to choose a league that’s open to all skill levels. You can always try out for a more competitive league later on.

-The time commitment: Some leagues require players to commit several hours a week to playing and practicing, while others only require an hour or two. Consider how much time you’re willing or able to commit before joining a league.

Once you’ve considered these factors, you’re ready to start looking for a league to join. Here are some places to look:

-Game publishers: Many game publishers offer their own esports leagues that players can join. For example, Blizzard Entertainment – the publisher of popular games like Overwatch and Starcraft – offers the Overwatch League and the Starcraft II World Championship Series, which anyone can join.

-Esports organizations: These organizations typically offer multiple leagues for different games and skill levels. For example, ESL – one of the largest esports organizations in the world – offers ESL One for Dota 2 and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, as well as the Intel Extreme Masters series for multiple games. Joining an organization like this gives you access to many different leagues so that you can find the perfect one for you.

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What is esports?

Esports, also known as electronic sports, are organised video game competitions, usually played between professional gamers. The most popular games in esports include first-person shooters (FPS), multiplayer online battle arenas (MOBAs), real-time strategy (RTS) games, and fighting games. Esports leagues typically offer prize money to the top finishing teams or players, and some offer salaries to professional gamers.

To join an esports league, you will need to be good at playing video games and have the time to commit to practicing and competing. Many leagues require you to be at least 18 years old. Some leagues hold open qualifier tournaments that anyone can enter, while others invite professional gamers to participate.

If you think you have what it takes to compete at the professional level, here are some tips on how to join an esports league:

1. Find a game that you’re good at and enjoy playing. Not all games are suited for competitive play, so it’s important to find one that is both fun and challenging. First-person shooters and multiplayer online battle arenas are two of the most popular genres in esports.

2. Start practicing regularly. If you want to join an esports league, you will need to put in the time to master your game of choice. This means practicing for several hours each day, as well as learning from other players and studying game footage.

3. Enter qualifiers and tournaments. Many esports leagues hold open qualifier tournaments that anyone can enter. These tournaments help the league identify skilled players who could potentially be signed to a professional team. Winning or placing well in these tournaments can also earn you prize money.

4. Get signed by a professional team. If you want to compete at the highest level, you will need to be signed by a professional esports team. These teams typically provide their players with salaries, coaching resources, and a share of any prize money earned from competition

How to join an esports league

Esports leagues are a great way to get competitive gaming experience and improve your skills. There are many different types of esports leagues, so it’s important to find one that’s right for you. In this article, we’ll cover how to find and join an esports league.

Find a game you’re interested in

The first step to joining an esports league is finding a game you’re interested in playing. This can be anything from “League of Legends” to “Overwatch” to “Fortnite.” There are dozens of different games played at a competitive level, so there’s bound to be one that interests you. Once you’ve found a game you’re interested in, the next step is finding a league to join.

Find an organization or team

Whether you want to join an esports organization or just a team, you have to do your research. You can’t just walk into an esports organization and say “I want to join.” The first step is finding an organization or team that is a good fit for you. To find the right one, you should look at the following factors:

-The game you want to play
-The teams in the organization
-The players on the team
-The location of the team
-The level of competition
-The age of the team
-The gender of the team
-The goal of the team

Once you have considered all of these factors, you can narrow down your list of potential organizations or teams. From there, you can start looking into tryouts or other ways to join.

Attend an event

Most college and many high school esports clubs organize one or more gaming tournaments each semester. They’re usually open to anyone who wants to play, so they’re a great way to meet other gamers and get a feel for the competition. If you see a tournament advertised, sign up and give it your best shot! You never know – you might just come away as the champion.


Now that you know the basics of how to join an esports league, it’s time to get out there and start competing! Remember to research the different leagues and find one that’s right for you, and always be respectful and sportsmanlike when playing against others. Who knows, with enough practice you could even end up going pro!

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