How Many NFL Owners Are Jewish?

How Many NFL Owners Are Jewish?

While the NFL has a number of Jewish owners, the answer to how many is somewhat complicated. First, it depends on how you define “Jewish.” If you consider anyone with at least one Jewish parent to be Jewish, then the number of NFL owners who are Jewish is around 20%. However, if you consider only people who identify as Jewish to be Jewish, then the number of NFL owners who are Jewish is closer to 10%.

How Many NFL Owners Are Jewish?


Since the National Football League (NFL) was founded in 1920, there have been a number of Jewish owners of NFL teams. While the number of Jewish owners has fluctuated over the years, currently there are four: Stephen Bisciotti (Baltimore Ravens), Jeffrey Lurie (Philadelphia Eagles), Jerry Jones (Dallas Cowboys), and Robert Kraft (New England Patriots).

Bisciotti, Lurie, and Jones are all majority owners of their respective teams, while Kraft is the Chairman and CEO of the Patriots. All four men have been involved with their teams for over two decades, and all four have won at least one Super Bowl during their tenure.

Jewish ownership of NFL teams is not limited to Bisciotti, Lurie, Jones, and Kraft. In the past, there have been a number of other Jewish owners of NFL teams, including:

• Art Modell (Cleveland Browns/Baltimore Ravens): Modell was the owner of the Browns from 1961 until 1996, when he moved the team to Baltimore. He remained the owner of the Ravens until his death in 2012.

• Norm Braman (Philadelphia Eagles): Braman owned the Eagles from 1985 until 1994. He sold the team to Jeffrey Lurie in 1995.

• Jerry Wolman (Philadelphia Eagles): Wolman was the owner of the Eagles from 1963 until 1969. He was forced to sell the team due to financial problems.

History of NFL Ownership

The history of NFL ownership is interesting and complex. Some of the league’s most influential and important owners have been Jewish. In fact, at one time, Jews owned nearly half of the NFL’s teams. Today, that number has dwindled to just a handful, but the Jewish influence on the NFL is still strong.

Many of the NFL’s earliest owners were Jewish. These men helped build the league into what it is today. Some of the most famous and successful NFL owners have been Jewish, including Art Modell, Jerry Jones, Robert Kraft, and Dan Snyder.

Despite their small numbers, Jewish owners have had a significant impact on the NFL. They have been some of the league’s most successful and influential owners. As the number of Jewish owners has decreased in recent years, their impact has only grown stronger.

Current NFL Owners

The National Football League (NFL) is a professional American football league consisting of 32 teams, divided equally between the National Football Conference (NFC) and the American Football Conference (AFC). The NFL is one of the four major North American professional sports leagues, the highest professional level of American football in the world, the wealthiest professional sport league by revenue, and the sport league with the most valuable teams.

The current NFL owners are:

1. Jerry Jones – Dallas Cowboys
2. Bob McNair – Houston Texans
3. Jeffrey Lurie – Philadelphia Eagles
4. Steven Tisch – New York Giants
5. John Mara – New York Giants
6. Woody Johnson – New York Jets
7. Arthur Blank – Atlanta Falcons
8. Jimmy Haslam – Cleveland Browns
9. Stan Kroenke – Los Angeles Rams

Why Are There So Few Jewish Owners?

There are a number of theories as to why there are so few Jewish owners in the NFL. One theory is that Jews have historically been excluded from ownership opportunities in the league. Another theory is that Jewish Americans have not traditionally been as interested in football as other groups, and so they have not sought out ownership opportunities.

Whatever the reasons may be, it is clear that Jews are vastly underrepresented among NFL owners. This is not necessarily a bad thing; after all, diversity is good for business. But it is worth noting, especially given the recent furor over anti-Semitism in the league.


Jews have been involved in American football since its early history and have made significant contributions to the game. Today, there are several NFL owners who are Jewish, although they represent a small minority of the league’s total ownership.

While it is difficult to say definitively how many NFL owners are Jewish, it is safe to say that they make up a small but significant minority of the league’s total ownership. Jews have been involved in American football since its early history and have made significant contributions to the game. Today, there are several NFL owners who are Jewish, although they represent a small minority of the league’s total ownership.

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