What Size Baseball Glove Do Adults Need?

If you’re looking for the answer to the question, “What size baseball glove do adults need?”, you’ve come to the right place. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the answer to that question, as well as some tips on how to choose the right size baseball glove for your needs.

What Size Baseball Glove Do Adults Need?


Adults need a baseball glove that is comfortable and fits well. The size of the glove should be based on the position that the player will be playing. Infielders need a smaller glove than outfielders. A catcher’s mitt is the largest type of glove.

To find the right size baseball glove, measure from the top of the index finger to the bottom of the palm. This measurement should be between 12 and 13 inches for infielders, between 12 and 14 inches for outfielders, and between 14 and 15 inches for catchers. Once you have found a few gloves that are within your size range, try them on to see which one feels best.

The Different Sizes of Baseball Gloves

Baseball gloves come in all sorts of sizes, so it can be tricky to know which one is right for you. The size of your baseball glove should be based on your age, hand size, and position. Here’s a quick guide to help you choose the right size baseball glove for you.

infield gloves

Infield gloves are designed for use by defensive players in the infield, typically first and second basemen, as well as shortstop and third baseman. These gloves usually have 10 to 12 inches long. The smaller size of infield gloves helps give the wearer greater dexterity to field ground balls and make quick throws. Outfield gloves are larger than infield gloves, typically ranging from 11.5 to 14 inches long, to give the player a larger catching surface. First basemen’s gloves are usually the longest, at 12 to 15 inches, to help with scooping up errant throws.

outfield gloves

Outfield gloves are the biggest gloves in baseball. They’re designed to help fielders catch fly balls and make diving catches. These gloves typically have 12- to 13-inch hand openings and extra-long finger stalls to assist with ball control. Outfielders need a longer glove so they can cover more ground when they’re trying to make a catch.

catcher’s gloves

Catcher’s gloves are larger than any other type of glove in baseball. They must be large enough to cover the hand and wrist of the catcher, as well as provide padding to protect the catcher from the ball being thrown hard by the pitcher. Catcher’s gloves typically have extra padding on the back of the hand and on the pinky finger to help reduce the impact of wild pitches.

How to Choose the Right Size Baseball Glove

One of the most important pieces of equipment for a baseball player is their glove. Choosing the right size baseball glove is essential for comfort and performance. The size of your glove should be based on the position you play and your personal preferences. In this article, we’ll help you figure out what size glove you need and give you some tips on how to break in your new glove.

Consider the position you play

When choosing a baseball glove, the first thing you need to consider is the position you play. Different gloves are designed for different positions, so you’ll want to make sure you get one that’s appropriate for where you play.

Here are the different types of gloves and the positions they’re typically used for:

-First base glove: These gloves are typically larger than other gloves because they need to be able to handle balls thrown hard and fast. They also need to be able to scoop up balls that are hit into the dirt.

-Infielder’s glove: These gloves are smaller than first base gloves, but they still need to be able to handle fastballs. They also need to be versatile enough to allow infielders to make all the different kinds of throws they need to make.

-Outfielder’s glove: Outfielder’s gloves tend to be the largest of all the gloves, since they need to be able to catch balls hit deep into the outfield. They also need to be able to make long throws back into the infield.

Consider your hand size

One of the most important factors to consider when purchasing a baseball glove is hand size. If the glove is too big, it will be difficult to control, and if it’s too small, it won’t offer enough protection.

To determine your hand size, measure from the base of your palm to the tip of your middle finger. If you are between sizes, opt for the larger size. You can always tighten the glove with a strap or by stuffing it with newspaper to make it fit more snugly.


Do you know what size baseball glove you need? It’s a common question we get here at Baseball Bargains. There are a few things you need to take into consideration when determining glove size. In this article, we will answer some of the most frequently asked questions about glove size.

What is the difference between an infield glove and an outfield glove?

The answer to this question really depends on what position you play in the field. Infield gloves are typically smaller than outfield gloves because infielders need to be able to field balls quickly and make quick throws. Outfield gloves are larger, because outfielders need to be able to catch fly balls that may be hit a long way from them.

Do all gloves come in different sizes?

No, not all gloves come in different sizes. Some manufacturers make gloves in one size that is meant to fit most people’s hands. If you have particularly small or large hands, you may have difficulty finding a glove that fits well. In this case, you may need to have a custom glove made.


There is no definitive answer when it comes to the size of baseball glove that an adult should buy. It ultimately comes down to a matter of preference and what feels comfortable for the individual. In general, however, adult baseball gloves should be between 11.5 and 12 inches in length.

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