What Is A Good Fielding Percentage In Baseball?

A good fielding percentage in baseball is a measure of how often a defensive player properly handles a batted ball.


Fielding percentage is a baseball statistic that measures the percentage of times a defensive player correctly handles a batted or thrown ball. The highest possible fielding percentage is 1.000, which would mean that the player never made an error.

While there is no magic number that all players must aim for, a good fielding percentage is typically considered to be around .980. This means that the player makes less than two errors per 100 chances.

Of course, some positions are more difficult than others and thus have a lower expected fielding percentage. For example, catchers typically have a lower fielding percentage than first basemen because they have to deal with more wild pitches and passed balls.

Overall, though, a .980 fielding percentage is considered to be very good.

What is Fielding Percentage?

Fielding percentage is a baseball statistic that measures the percentage of times a player successfully handles a batted or thrown ball. The fielding percentage is calculated by dividing the number of successful playes by the total number of chances.

There are a number of factors that can influence a player’s fielding percentage, such as the quality of the pitchers they field behind, the quality of the defense around them, and their own individual skill level.

Generally speaking, a good fielding percentage is anything above .950. Anything below .920 is considered poor.

There are a number of ways to break down fielding percentage even further, such as by position or by range. For example, shortstop typically has a higher fielding percentage than second base, and outfielders typically have lower percentages than infielders. Additionally, players who have more range (i.e., can cover more ground) tend to have higher percentages than those with less range.

Fielding percentage is just one metric used to measure defensive ability, but it can be a helpful tool in evaluating players.

The Three Types of Fielding Percentage

Fielding percentage is a statistic in baseball that measures the percentage of times a fielder successfully handles a batted or thrown ball. There are three types of fielding percentage:

1. Putouts per nine innings: This measures the number of putouts a fielder makes divided by the number of innings played.

2. Assists per nine innings: This measures the number of assists a fielder makes divided by the number of innings played.

3. Double plays per nine innings: This measures the number of double plays a fielder participates in divided by the number of innings played.

What is a Good Fielding Percentage?

A good fielding percentage is a relative term. For example, a .900 fielding percentage is considered good for a first baseman, but not for a shortstop. A first baseman has more time to field the ball and make a throw to first base, while a shortstop has less time. The .900 fielding percentage for a first baseman would be considered poor for a shortstop.

The range of what is considered a good fielding percentage varies by position. For example, the range for second basemen is .983 to .990, while the range for third basemen is .950 to .960.

There are many factors that contribute to a good fielding percentage, such as range, arm strength, and sure hands. A player who has good range will be able to get to more balls hit near him than a player with poor range. Arm strength is important because it allows the player to make throws from further away. Sure hands are important because they allow the player to catch the ball more consistently.

There are many ways to calculate fielding percentage. The most common formula used is ((Putouts + Assists) / (Putouts + Assists + Errors)). This formula gives equal weight to putouts and assists, and does not penalize players who have more errors.

The Five Factors That Affect Fielding Percentage

The Five Factors That Affect Fielding Percentage
In baseball, the fielding percentage is a statistic that measures the percentage of times a defensive player handles a batted or thrown ball properly. It is calculated by the following formula:

Fielding Percentage = (Putouts + Assists) / (Putouts + Assists + Errors)

There are five main factors that can affect a player’s fielding percentage:

The type of hitter: A player who tends to hit the ball hard is more likely to produce an out than a player who hits weak ground balls.

The type of pitcher: A pitcher who produces a lot of strikeouts will usually have a lower fielding percentage than a pitcher who induces a lot of contact.

The quality of the defense: A good defensive team will usually have a higher fielding percentage than a bad defensive team.

The quality of the field: A well-maintained field will usually have a higher fielding percentage than a poorly-maintained field.

The weather conditions: Bad weather conditions can make it difficult to field the ball, which can lower the fielding percentage.


After looking at the data, it seems that a good fielding percentage in baseball is somewhere around 0.990. This means that if you have 100 chances to field the ball, you should only miss 10 of them. Of course, this number will vary depending on your position and the level of play, but it is a good general guideline.

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