What NBA Player Has the Best Shooting Form?

In this post, we take a look at some of the best shooting forms in the NBA, and try to determine which player has the best form.

What NBA Player Has the Best Shooting Form?


There are a lot of great shooters in the NBA, but who has the best shooting form? This is a tough question to answer, because there are so many great shooters in the league. However, there are a few players who stand out from the rest. Here are some of the best shooters in the NBA, based on their shooting form.

Stephen Curry

Any discussion of the greatest shooters in NBA history has to start with Stephen Curry. The two-time MVP has revolutionized the game with his incredible shooting ability, and he shows no signs of slowing down. Curry is a master of the catch-and-shoot, but he’s also one of the best off-the-dribble shooters in the league. His shooting form is practically perfect, and it’s a big reason why he’s been so successful.

Klay Thompson

Of all the shooters in the game today, Klay Thompson has the best form. He has a smooth, consistent release that is almost impossible to defend. His shooting percentage is among the best in the league, and he has shown great range throughout his career. If you are looking for a model to follow for your own shooting form, there is no better player than Klay Thompson.

Damian Lillard

Many people would say that Stephen Curry has the best shooting form in the NBA, but I would have to disagree. I believe that Damian Lillard has the best shooting form. When you watch him shoot, you can see that he has perfect form every single time. His release is always the same, and he never seems to miss.

Kyrie Irving

Kyrie Irving has one of the best shooting forms in the NBA. He has a quick release, and his form is very consistent. He is also a very good shooter off the dribble.


In conclusion, there are a variety of factors that go into having good shooting form. While perfect form may be different for each player, there are some commonalities that the best shooters share. A player with good shooting form will have a consistent release point, a smooth shooting stroke, and good balance. These factors allow the player to shoot the ball with accuracy and consistency.

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