Can I Wash Tennis Balls in the Washing Machine?

You can wash your tennis balls in the washing machine, but there are some things you should keep in mind. Follow these tips to make sure your tennis balls come out clean and in good condition.

Can I Wash Tennis Balls in the Washing Machine?


Whether your tennis balls are new or old, you might be wondering if it’s okay to wash them in the washing machine. The simple answer is yes, you can wash tennis balls in the washing machine. However, there are a few things you should keep in mind if you decide to go this route.

Washing your tennis balls in the washing machine can help extend their life and keep them clean. However, it’s important to use a gentle cycle and avoid using any fabric softener, as this can damage the balls. You should also avoid washing your balls with other items, as they can become scuffed or damaged.

If you have any concerns about washing your tennis balls in the washing machine, it’s always best to consult with the manufacturer.

Can You Wash Tennis Balls in the Washing Machine?

You can wash tennis balls in the washing machine. You will need to put them in a mesh bag or pillowcase to protect them, and use a gentle cycle with cold water. You should also air dry them or let them dry in the sun.


Washing your tennis balls in the washing machine is actually a really good way to clean them and to extend their lifespan. You should wash them on a regular basis, preferably every few weeks, using a gentle cycle with cold water. You can either wash them with your other laundry or by themselves.


While you can wash tennis balls in the washing machine, it’s not recommended. Washing them can damage the felt material on the balls and cause them to lose their bounce. If you do wash them, use a gentle cycle and air dry them afterwards.

How to Wash Tennis Balls in the Washing Machine

Washing your tennis balls in the washing machine is a perfectly acceptable way to clean them. You can use a mesh bag to protect them from getting damaged in the wash. You will want to use a mild detergent and wash them on a delicate cycle. You should also air dry your tennis balls to prevent them from getting ruined in the dryer.

Set the washing machine to a delicate or gentle cycle

Tennis balls can last longer and perform better if they’re regularly cleaned. The easiest way to clean tennis balls is in the washing machine. Just be sure to use a delicate or gentle cycle to protect the balls from damage. You can wash up to four tennis balls at a time.

Place the tennis balls in a mesh bag

To wash tennis balls in the washing machine, start by putting them in a mesh bag. Then, add the tennis balls to your washer with a small load of laundry. Use a gentle cycle and warm water, and select a mild detergent. Next, dry your tennis balls on the air setting in your dryer. Finally, remove the tennis balls from the dryer and let them air out for an hour before using them again.

Use a mild detergent

Most laundry detergents will work just fine to wash your tennis balls. Just use a small amount of detergent, as too much can leave a residue on the balls. You may want to use a gentle cycle on your washing machine to avoid damaging the balls. You can also hand wash your tennis balls if you prefer.

Hang the tennis balls to dry

After you have washed the tennis balls in the washing machine, it is important to hang them to dry. Do not put the tennis balls in the dryer, as this can cause them to shrink. Instead, hang the tennis balls on a clothesline or over a shower rod so that they can air dry.


You can wash tennis balls in the washing machine, but you should use a mesh bag and wash them on a delicate cycle with cold water. Allow the balls to air dry completely before using them again.

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