How Do You Become A WWE Wrestler?

If you’re a fan of professional wrestling, you’ve probably wondered how those larger-than-life Superstars get their start. While the path to becoming a WWE Superstar is not easy, it is possible to achieve your dream with hard work, dedication, and a little bit of luck. In this blog post, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about how to become a WWE wrestler.

How Do You Become A WWE Wrestler?


To become a WWE wrestler, you’ll need to have a good understanding of the wrestling business and be physically fit. You’ll also need to be able to entertain crowds and work well with other wrestlers. If you have these qualities, you may have what it takes to become a WWE wrestler.

The Training

would-be wrestlers must first complete a rigorous training program. The training program is generally made up of two parts: physical conditioning and wrestling techniques.

Physical training

In order to become a WWE wrestler, one must first undergo physical training. This usually involves going to a wrestling school and learning the basic skills of the sport, such as how to fall correctly, how to execute wrestling moves, and how to take bumps.

In addition to physical training, wrestlers must also be in excellent physical condition. WWE wrestlers are required to have a high level of cardiovascular endurance, as matches can often last for several minutes (or even longer). They must also have the strength and endurance to perform many of the physically demanding stunts that are often part of WWE matches.

In-ring training

In order to become a WWE wrestler, you must first complete a rigorous training program. The WWE Performance Center in Orlando, Florida is the home of WWE’s in-ring training and sports science programs. To be eligible for the program, you must be at least 18 years old and have a high school diploma or equivalent.

The training program at the WWE Performance Center is designed to teach athletes the necessary skills to perform in the ring, while also providing them with the physical conditioning and strength needed to safely execute those skills. The program lasts for six to eight weeks, and during that time, trainees will live on site at the Performance Center. They will train several times a day, with ample time allotted for rest and recovery.

In addition to in-ring training, trainees will also receive instruction in other areas that are essential to being a successful WWE Superstar, such as character development, promos and media training. Upon completion of the training program, athletes will be evaluated to determine if they are ready for main roster competition.

The Tryouts

The application process

To become a WWE wrestler, you must first undergo a grueling application process. This includes a written application, an interview, and a tryout.

The written application will ask you for your basic information, including your name, address, and contact information. You will also be asked to provide a resume and list of your previous wrestling experience. The interview will be conducted by a WWE representative and will ask you questions about your wrestling experience and why you want to become a WWE wrestler.

The tryout is the most important part of the process. You will be evaluated on your athletic ability, your in-ring skills, and your personality. If you are successful in the tryout, you will be offered a contract with WWE.

The tryout process

The WWE holds tryouts throughout the year in various locations around the world. They are usually announced on with all the necessary information such as dates, times, locations, and what to bring.

The tryouts consist of a series of drills and physical evaluations designed to test an aspiring wrestler’s athletic ability, agility, strength, and endurance. They will also be asked to perform some basic wrestling moves. The tryouts usually last two days.

If you are successful in the tryouts, you will be offered a contract with WWE and invited to report to the Performance Center in Orlando, Florida for training.

The Contract

All WWE wrestlers have to sign a contract with WWE before they are able to compete. This is a standard contract that covers basic rights and responsibilities of the wrestler. The contract is designed to protect both the wrestler and WWE.

The developmental contract

To be signed to a WWE contract, your first step is to get noticed by the company. You can do this in a few ways. The most common is to participate in tryouts that are held periodically around the world, which anyone can attend. The second way to get noticed is to have a successful career in another wrestling promotion and then be scouted by WWE.

Once you’ve caught WWE’s attention, the next step is to sign a developmental contract. This will place you in WWE’s training facility, NXT, where you’ll learn everything you need to know about being a WWE Superstar. You’ll work with some of the best coaches in the world and learn how to wrestle, cut promos, and entertain the WWE Universe.

After you’ve spent enough time in NXT and proven that you’re ready for the main roster, you’ll be offered a WWE contract. Once you sign that contract, you’ll be on your way to becoming a WWE Superstar!

The main roster contract

The main roster contract is the most common type of contract WWE offers. The terms of these agreements vary, but the average length of a main roster deal is about three years. The downside to signing a main roster contract is that WWE has complete creative control over your character, and you are obligated to work a full-time schedule. However, the upside is that you are guaranteed a certain number of live event dates and television appearances, and you will receive a base salary plus additional income from royalties and bonuses.


In conclusion, it takes a lot of hard work, dedication, and training to become a WWE wrestler. If you have what it takes to make it in this cutthroat industry, then go for it! All the best.

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