How to Deflate a Basketball in 60 Seconds or Less

Looking to quickly deflate a basketball for storage or transportation? Here’s a 60 second or less guide on how to do it!


Whether you need to make room in your backpack for other things, or you want to pack your basketball away after a game, it’s important to know how to deflate a basketball. Depending on the material of your basketball, and how much air is already in it, the process might take a little longer than 60 seconds, but in general, it should be a fairly quick and easy task. Here’s how to do it:

What You’ll Need

To deflate a basketball, you will need:
-A ball needle
-A hand pump
-A small, sharp object (for puncturing the ball)

1. Begin by puncturing the ball with the needle in a slow, twisting motion. Do not try to push the needle through too quickly, as this can damage the ball.
2. Once the needle is through the ball, insert the hand pump and begin to slowly deflate the ball.
3. Continue until the ball is at the desired level of inflation.

Step One: Remove the Air Valve Cover

No matter what kind of basketball you have, it will have an air valve of some kind. The most common type is a small rubber stopper that screw on and off. Start by removing this cover. If your ball has a needle valve, you will need to unscrew the entire valve in order to release the air.

Step Two: Insert the Needle

Before you attempt to deflate a basketball, it is important to gather all of the necessary tools. You will need a ball pump with a needle attachment, a household or office chair, and a lint-free cloth. If the ball is very hard, you may also need an awl or other sharp object topoke a hole in the ball.

Once you have gathered your materials, follow these steps to deflate a basketball in 60 seconds or less:

1. Remove the needle attachment from the ball pump.
2. Place the tip of the needle into the valve opening on the ball.
3. Push the needle into the valve as far as it will go. You may need to wiggle it back and forth to get it started.
4. Turn the pump handle clockwise until resistance is felt. This step may take a few seconds longer with harder balls.
5. Pump air out of the ball until it is at the desired level of inflation. For most games, a basketball should be inflated to between 7 and 9 PSI.
6. Repeat steps 2 through 5 for each additional basketball that needs to be deflated

Step Three: Pump the Ball

If you’re using a hand pump, start pumping the ball until it’s about two-thirds deflated. If you’re using an air compressor, turn it on and hold the ball against the nozzle. Check the pressure gauge frequently to make sure you’re not over- or under-inflating the ball.

Step Four: Remove the Needle

Now that the valve is open, it’s time to remove the needle from the ball. Be careful not to puncture the ball again while doing this. Once the needle is removed, the ball will start to deflate on its own. You can help it along by gently squeezing the ball as it deflates.

Step Five: Replace the Air Valve Cover

Carefully screw the air valve cover back on, making sure not to over-tighten it. You want it to be tight enough to create a seal, but not so tight that you strip the threads or damage the valve.


There are a few different ways to deflate a basketball, but the most common and effective way is to use a ball pump. Simply insert the needle into the ball and pump the air out until the ball is at the desired level of inflation. You can also use a straw or other sharp object to puncture the ball and let the air out that way, but this method is not as precise or effective.


Q: What do I need to deflate a basketball?
A: All you need is a ball pump and a needle.

Q: How do I deflate a basketball?
A: First, find the needle valve on the ball. It is usually located on the side of the ball near the bottom. Next, insert the needle into the valve and screw on the ball pump. Pump the ball until it is deflated to your desired level. Finally, remove the needle and screw from the valve and enjoy your newly deflated basketball!

Further Reading

If you’re looking for more information on how to deflate a basketball, there are a few resources that can help. The National Basketball Association (NBA) has a helpful tutorial on their website, and ESPN also has a helpful guide. Additionally, Bleacher Report has a helpful article on the subject.

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