A Guide To Choosing A Belt Holster

As we make custom Kydex holsters, On Your 6 Designs is constantly thinking about concealed carry holsters since we specialize in Kydex concealed carry holsters. As part of our Quality Control process, we verify every aspect of the product, including the fit, the material, the assembly, and the use of the holster.

In addition to being easy to use and quick to draw, inside-the-waistband holsters and outside-the-waistband holsters have become the most popular methods of carrying firearms. For more information, visit warcat.com.

The holsters from On Your 6 Designs are made from lightweight materials, feature compact firearm design, and feature advances in holster technology.


It seems simple enough to wear an IWB holster from the outside. You can conceal a firearm by placing it between your hands and the waistband of your pants. Putting the pistol in the correct position and understanding how to do so are essential.

According to a clock’s scale, if you were waisted at twelve o’clock, hips at three o’clock, and rear at six o’clock. As far as the position of the belt-waist holster should be worn, there is no definitive rule, but certain angles are more comfortable and easier to use than others.

Being in the right place at the right time

In order to determine the proper position for holstered firearms, you must first remove the firearm from its holster. You should not be hindered in your daily activities by being holstered with the pistol. When you walk, get in and out of your car, sit in different chairs, or flex and switch your position as you walk, think about this.

If you can, you might want to ask a partner or friend to check your clothing or movement to ensure the pistol isn’t caught on it.


The position of a carrier’s pistol is most natural when it is at 3 o’clock or 9 o’clock, while others prefer a position at 4 o’clock or 8 o’clock. For your body type and comfort level, choose a position that is both concealing and comfortable.

Maintaining comfort while achieving concealability

During discussions with clients and friends about concealed carry holsters, we discovered that comfort is the most common factor preventing people from carrying their guns. When the Waist Holster digs into your side, you’re more likely to leave them in the safe. Armed individuals should never leave firearms at home as they cannot be used by anyone else besides themselves.

A pistol holster needs to be positioned properly, as well as various other factors to increase comfort when concealed carrying. One of the first steps is to wear a leather belt. When you wear a thick belt, it won’t dig into your sides when your pistol warps. After that, you can wear an undershirt. By doing so, your pistol grip and holster won’t rub against your skin while you move.

Lastly, you must position yourself so that you are as concealed as possible. Some states require concealed firearms to be carried with holsters, or the carriers may face prosecution for brandishing a firearm. Since they are unaware of the weapon’s presence, others are relaxed when it is fully concealed.

The IWB holster is designed to conceal the weapon. Certainly, wearing holsters outside the waistband can make you less of a threat, but it also exposes you to more danger. In the event that aggressors see you have a pistol holster on your outside pants, some may hesitate, but most may shoot you immediately to avoid worrying about your loved ones and friends.

A holster concealed a weapon so that no one can see it until you fire it to defend yourself, providing a tactical advantage. A potential attacker isn’t aware that you can intervene in his plans when you engage him.




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