A Baseball Player’s Prayer

A Baseball Player’s Prayer is a short poem that is recited by many players before a game. It is a reminder to keep the game in perspective and to have fun.


I am a baseball player.
I love the game and all that comes with it.
I love the feeling of hitting a ball hard,
the satisfaction of throwing a perfect strike,
and the camaraderie of my teammates.

I am not perfect, but I strive to be the best player I can be.
I know that I will make mistakes, but I will never give up.
I will always give 100% effort, whether we are winning or losing.

Baseball is more than just a game – it is a way of life.
It teaches us about hard work, dedication, and perseverance.
It instills in us a sense of fair play and sportsmanship.
And it is through baseball that I have learned some of life’s most important lessons.

The Game

I step out onto the field,and I am filled with the peace of the Lord. The fresh-cut grass fills my senses,and I take a deep breath of the summer air. I walk to my position, and I kneel down. I bow my head and I pray.

The Field

The field is my home, where I feel most at peace. The emerald green of the grass, the stark white of the bases, and the deep black of the warning track stand in stark contrast to one another, yet they blend together so perfectly. This is my refuge, my sanctuary, and the place where I can clear my mind and just be.

When I step onto the field, all of my worries disappear. The outside world fades away, and all that matters is the task at hand. There is a beautiful simplicity to baseball that can be found nowhere else. It is a game of inches and milliseconds, of perfect execution and split-second decisions. In those moments, I am completely alive.

This is why I play. This is why I love this game.

The Equipment

To play the game, all you need is a ball and a bat. The ball must be pitched to the batter who hits it and then tries to run around the bases. The defense tries to stop the runner from getting around all four bases and returning “home” to score a run. That’s all there is to it!

The Players

The game of baseball has been a part of American culture for centuries, and it has produced some of the most iconic athletes in history. The players who take the field each day are the heart and soul of the game, and they are the ones who have made it what it is today.

These men and women have dedicated their lives to perfecting their craft, and they deserve our respect and admiration. We ask that you watch over them as they compete, and that you keep them safe from harm.

We also ask that you inspire them to be the best that they can be, and to never give up on their dreams. Help them to remember why they fell in love with this game in the first place, and to always give 110% effort.

Lastly, we ask that you give us something to cheer about. We want nothing more than to see our favorite team win it all, but we know that ultimately it is up to you. We thank you for everything that you have done for us, and we will continue to support your players through thick and thin.

The Fans

The Cheering

The Fans – (A Baseball Player’s Prayer)

The Fans, the cheers,
The ones who make it all happen,
You are the backbone of the game,
Without you there would be no excitement,
No drama,
No reason to play.

So I thank you from the bottom of my heart,
For everything you do,
For every cheer you make,
And for every moment you make possible.

The Booing

I know they pay their money,
and they’re entitled to their say.
But when I strike out, or boot a ball,
and I hear that booing sound,
it really gets my dander up,
and I feel like quitting the team.

I know that’s not the right thing to do,
so I’ll grit my teeth and bear it.
But I’d sure like to tell those fans off –
the next time I hear them booing!


“Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take.” Amen.

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