A Bat Hits A 0150 Kg Baseball?

A bat hitting a baseball is a classic example of an inelastic collision. In an inelastic collision, the kinetic energy of the system is not conserved. Instead, some of the kinetic energy is converted into other forms of energy, such as heat or sound.


At bat, a batter hits a 0.15 kg baseball traveling at 37 m/s. The ball leaves the bat at a speed of 52 m/s and an angle of 35 degrees above the horizontal. Assuming that the contact time between the bat and the ball is 3.0 * 10^-3 s, find the average force exerted by the bat on the ball during contact.

The Physics of the Bat-Ball Collision

The physics of the bat-ball collision is a very complex topic. There are many different factors that need to be considered in order to understand the collision. In this article, we will explore some of the physics behind the bat-ball collision.

The Collision

The bat-ball collision is an inelastic collision, which means that both the bat and the ball change their velocity and energy during the collision. The ball loses energy as it transfers some of its kinetic energy to the bat. The bat gains energy as it absorbs some of the kinetic energy from the ball. Since both objects change their velocity and energy during the collision, we can use the laws of conservation of momentum and conservation of energy to calculate what happens.

The Energy Transfer

The barrel of the bat is in contact with the ball for a relatively short amount of time, on the order of milliseconds. During that time, both the bat and the ball are compressed. The kinetic energy associated with their relative motion is transferred to them as elastic potential energy. As they uncompress, that elastic potential energy is released in the form of kinetic energy, adding to their speed.


In conclusion, it is possible for a bat to hit a 0150 kg baseball, however, the bat would need to be very powerful and the baseball would need to be travelling at a high speed. If the bat is not powerful enough or the baseball is not travelling fast enough, the bat will not be able to hit the baseball.

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