A Career For You In Esports Readworks Answers

Whether you’re a fan of esports or not, there’s no denying that it’s a booming industry. If you’re interested in a career in esports, Readworks has a great article that outlines everything you need to know. Check it out!

What is Esports?

Esports is a form of competition using video games. The first esports tournaments were held in the early 1970s. Esports often takes the form of organized, multiplayer video game competitions, particularly between professional players. The most common video games genres in esports are real-time strategy, first-person shooter, and multiplayer online battle arena.

A Brief History

The term “esports” is short for “electronic sports.” It refers to organized, competitive video gaming. Esports has only been around for a few decades, but it has already grown into a multimillion-dollar industry.

The first esports competition took place in 1972 at Stanford University. Students played the video game Spacewar on computers that were just a few years old at the time. The prize was a year’s subscription to Rolling Stone magazine.

In 1980, Atari held the Space Invaders Championship. More than 10,000 people competed in this event, making it the largest esports tournament of its time. Several other companies followed Atari’s lead and held their own gaming tournaments throughout the 1980s.

The 1990s saw the rise of arcade gaming and console gaming. This was also when the first professional esports teams began to form. The most popular game of the decade was Street Fighter II. In 1997, Red Annihilation held a Street Fighter II tournament in Atlanta, Georgia. The winner of this tournament was not only crowned champion but also won a trip to compete in Tokyo, Japan.

Today, esports is a worldwide phenomenon with competitions being held all over the globe. The industry continues to grow every year, with more people playing and watching esports than ever before.

The Different Types of Esports

Esports is a term used to describe competitive video gaming. It can be played independently or as part of a team, and there are often large cash prizes up for grabs. There are many different types of esports games, with some of the most popular being:

-First Person Shooter (FPS): These are games where players compete in a first-person perspective, using guns and other weapons to try and eliminate their opponents. Some popular FPS games include Halo, Call of Duty and Counter-Strike.

-Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA): These are games where two teams compete against each other in an online arena, with each team trying to destroy the other team’s base. MOBA games often have complex strategies and require a high level of teamwork and coordination. Popular MOBA games include League of Legends, Dota 2 and Heroes of the Storm.

-Real-Time Strategy (RTS): These are fast-paced games where players have to strategize and plan their moves in real time. Players often have to control multiple units at once, and victory usually goes to the player who can make the best decisions under pressure. Some popular RTS games include StarCraft, WarCraft and Command & Conquer.

There are many other types of esports games, but these are some of the most common. If you’re interested in getting into esports, there’s sure to be a game that suits your interests and skills!

How Do You Get Involved in Esports?

If you’re reading this, you’re probably interested in getting involved in the world of Esports. Whether you want to be a professional player, a coach, or work in another area of the industry, there are many ways to get involved. In this article, we’ll go over a few of the different ways you can get involved in Esports.

Finding the Right Game

Finding the right game is the first step in getting involved in esports. There are many different games with various levels of difficulty, so it is important to find one that suits your skillset. Once you have found a game that interests you, the next step is to start practicing.

Practicing for an esports career is not too dissimilar from practicing for any other sport. It requires dedication and long hours of gameplay. Many aspiring professional gamers join online communities and teams to help improve their skills. There are also many online resources, such as tutorials and forums, which can help you learn more about the game and how to improve your play.

Training and Practice

Much like any sport, playing competitive video games requires a significant amount of training and practice. Players need to have quick reflexes, excellent hand-eye coordination, and critical thinking skills. They must be able to make split-second decisions and think several steps ahead of their opponents.

In order to hone these skills, professional gamers typically spend several hours a day playing and practicing. Some players even have coaches who help them analyze their gameplay and identify areas for improvement. Like traditional athletes, esports players also need to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Eating healthy foods and exercising regularly can help gamers improve their focus and reaction time.


While you may be able to find some small-scale tournaments to join in on, the vast majority of esports competitions are put on by larger organizations. These could be game publishers themselves, such as Blizzard with Overwatch, or outside entities, like the Electronic Sports League (ESL) which hosts tournaments for a number of games. The prize pools for these events can range from a few hundred dollars to over a million. To have any chance at winning one of these coveted spots, you’ll likely need to be part of a team.

What Are the Benefits of a Career in Esports?

A career in esports can be very beneficial for many reasons. For one, you can make a good living by playing video games. If you are good enough, you can even make a career out of it. Another benefit of a career in esports is that you can travel to different places to compete in tournaments. This can be a great way to see the world and meet new people.


While there is some debate about how much top esports athletes earn, it is generally agreed that professional gamers can make a good living from playing their chosen game. In 2018, the average income for an esports player was $60,000, with the top earners taking home more than $1 million. And that figure is only set to rise as the industry continues to grow. So if you’re good enough to make it to the top of your game, you could be in for a very lucrative career.


Many people who become professional gamers do so because they want to be famous. And while there are definitely some benefits to being famous, it’s not all fun and games. Being famous can be a lot of work, and it often comes with a lot of pressure.


Esports is a fun and challenging industry that offers many opportunities for career growth. If you are passionate about gaming and have the skills to compete at a high level, you may be able to find a rewarding career in esports.

There are many benefits to working in esports, including the following:

1. You can earn a good living by playing video games.
2. You can travel the world to compete in tournaments.
3. You can meet other gamers and build friendships.
4. You can learn new skills and improve your gaming ability.
5. You can join an esports team and be part of a supportive community.

What Are the Drawbacks of a Career in Esports?

A career in esports comes with a lot of pros, such as the potential to earn a high salary, travel the world, and compete at the highest level. However, there are also some drawbacks that you should be aware of. For example, the hours can be long and you may have to sacrifice other aspects of your life, such as your social life, in order to succeed.

Time Commitment

The biggest downside to a career in esports is the time commitment. Professional gamers often practice for 12 hours or more per day, and they may play several tournaments per month. This can be a full-time job, and it doesn’t leave much time for family, friends, or other hobbies.


Esports careers are not without their challenges. One of the main challenges that professional gamers face is the pressure to perform. The pressure to perform at a high level can be intense, and it can sometimes lead to anxiety and stress. Gamers who are not able to handle the pressure may find themselves struggling to keep up with their teammates or opponents.

Another challenge that professional gamers face is the competitive nature of the industry. Esports is an industry where only the best gamers are able to succeed. This means that professional gamers have to constantly be on the lookout for new talent and be prepared to face stiff competition.

Finally, professional gamers also have to deal with the fact that they are often underpaid compared to other athletes. While some professional gamers are able to earn millions of dollars per year, most esports athletes make much less than this. In fact, many pro gamers only make a few thousand dollars per year. This can make it difficult for pro gamers to support themselves and their families.


Though rates of injury in esports are not yet well understood, we do know that repetitive stress injuries (RSIs) are common among professional gamers. These injuries are caused by performing the same motions over and over again, and they can lead to pain, swelling, and loss of movement in the affected joints.

Other common esports injuries include carpal tunnel syndrome (a condition that causes numbness and tingling in the hands), neck and back pain, and eye strain. Some of these injuries can be prevented by using proper ergonomic equipment, taking breaks, and stretching; however, they can still occur even when precautionary measures are taken.

How Do I Know if Esports is Right for Me?

Choosing a career can be a difficult decision, and there are many factors that you have to take into account. With the ever-growing popularity of esports, you might be wondering if it’s the right career for you. Here are some things to consider that will help you make your decision.

Consider Your Skills

Most people who are interested in getting into esports are helped by breaking the decision down into two parts. The first is whether you have what it takes to be a successful competitive gamer. The second is whether you’re interested in the industry and lifestyle surrounding professional gaming. Consider your skills and interests before making a decision.

You don’t need to be the best gamer in the world to go pro, but you do need to be good enough to compete at a high level. That means having above-average reflexes, hand-eye coordination, and game sense. If you’re not sure whether you’re good enough, try playing in some online tournaments or LAN events (competitive gaming events that take place offline). If you consistently place in the top half of these tournaments, you might have what it takes to go pro.

Even if you’re a great gamer, however, that doesn’t mean esports is right for you. Many people who are interested in professional gaming find that they don’t like the industry or lifestyle surrounding it. Esports is a demanding industry, and successful pros have to make a lot of sacrifices. They spend long hours practicing and playing matches, and they often have to travel for competitions. If you’re not willing to make these sacrifices, esports might not be the right choice for you.

Consider Your Personality

When considering if esports is the right career for you, it’s important to think about what kind of person you are. Do you like working with a team or working alone? Do you prefer a structured environment or one that is more relaxed? Are you the type of person who can handle stress well or do you crumble under pressure?

There are many different types of personalities in the world of esports, so it’s important to find one that suits you. For example, if you are a solo player who likes to work independently, then you might be well-suited to a career as a content creator. On the other hand, if you work better as part of a team and thrive under pressure, then you might be better suited to a role on an esports team.

No matter what your personality type is, there is likely an esports career that is perfect for you. So take some time to consider your options and find the role that best suits you.

Consider Your Schedule

Think about your current schedule and if you have time to commit to eSports. Do you already play video games for fun? If so, how much time do you spend playing each week? Just like any other hobby or sport, eSports requires time to get good. The more time you can commit to practicing, the better you will become.

In order to be a part of a team, you will need to be able to make practice times that work for the majority of your team. This usually happens after school or on weekends. Depending on how far away your teammates live, there could be some travel required for competitions.

All of this takes time and commitment. If you are not willing or able to make that commitment, eSports may not be the right activity for you at this time.

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