A Marines Letter To The NFL?

A marines letter to the NFL about the recent protests during the National Anthem.


Dear NFL,

As a Marine who has served our country for the past 12 years, I was shocked and disappointed to see the recent protests by some of your players. Although I understand that they were exercising their right to free speech, I believe that they could have chosen a better platform to voice their concerns.

The NFL is a national institution and an important part of American culture. For many of us, it is a source of entertainment and pride. To see it being dishonored in this way is very upsetting.

I hope that in the future, your players will choose to stand up for what they believe in more respectfully. In the meantime, I want to thank all of the players who do respect our country and its flag. They are an inspiration to us all.


[Your name]

The Letter

Dear NFL,

As a United States Marine, I was deeply disappointed to see the recent protests by some NFL players during the national anthem. Our men and women in uniform have fought and died to preserve the freedom that these athletes enjoy – freedom that includes the right to free speech.

However, with that freedom comes a responsibility to show respect for our country, our flag, and our national anthem. The Marines Creed includes the line “I am proud to be an American,” and that is how I feel every time I stand for the national anthem. It is a reminder of the incredible privilege it is to live in this country and of the rights and freedoms we enjoy as Americans.

I hope that you will encourage all players to stand for the national anthem out of respect for those who have sacrificed so much for our country. Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter.

Semper Fi,

[Your name]

The Marine’s Opinion

The Marine’s opinion is that the NFL players who kneel during the national anthem are disrespecting the flag and the military. He believes that they should be required to stand during the anthem, and if they refuse, they should be benched or even banned from the NFL.

The NFL’s Response

The NFL’s response to a letter from a marine expressing disappointment in the league’s handling of protests during the national anthem was sent by Commissioner Roger Goodell on Tuesday.

In the letter, Goodell said the NFL “takes seriously” the concerns of Marines and other members of the military, but he defended the league’s handling of player protests.

“We believe that our platform can be an important part of raising awareness and ensuring that all voices are heard on these critical issues,” Goodell wrote. “We also believe that together, as Americans, we can find common ground.”

Goodell also said the NFL has supported programs to help veterans transition to civilian life and has worked with military groups on “hero recognition” events at games.


It’s not uncommon to see a Marine writing a letter to the NFL, as many Marines have done before.

However, it’s quite rare to see a letter that is as scathing and well-written as the one that was recently sent by a Marine to the NFL.

In the letter, the Marine takes aim at the “hypocrites” who are protesting during the national anthem, and he doesn’t hold back.

The Marine also makes it clear that he is not against peaceful protests, but he is against those who are disrespecting the flag and those who have fought for our country.

It’s an incredible letter that is sure to get attention from both sides of the aisle.

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