A Tennis Player’s Guide to Hitting the Ball With Her Racket

If you’re a tennis player, then you know that one of the most important things to do is hit the ball with your racket. But how do you make sure you’re doing it correctly?

Well, luckily for you, we’ve put together a quick guide on how to hit the ball with your racket. By following these simple tips, you’ll be sure to improve your game in no time!



In tennis, the player who hits the ball with her racket is called the server and the player who hits the ball back is called the receiver. The goal of serving is to hit the ball into the other player’s court so that she can’t hit it back. To do this, you need to know how to hold your racket, how to stand, and how to swing.

The Grip

The grip is the way you hold the tennis racket and it is very important because it will affect the way you hit the ball. There are three different types of grips: the continental grip, the eastern grip, and the western grip. The continental grip is the most popular grip and it is used by most professional players.

Continental Grip

The continental grip is the most popular way to grip a tennis racket. It’s also known as the “shakehands” grip because, well, it’s how you’d shake someone’s hand with your tennis racket hand. This grip gives you a lot of control and is good for all strokes except serve. The reason you can’t use it for serve is that the way the racket is positioned in your hand (handle perpendicular to your palm) prevents you from tossing the ball high enough.

Eastern Grip

The Eastern grip is the most common grip in tennis. It is used for all strokes except the serve and is also known as the continental grip. The Eastern grip gives you more control over your shots and allows you to generate more spin.

To execute an Eastern grip, place your racket hand in front of your body and hold the racket with the thumb and first two fingers. Wrap your other hand around the top of the racket handle.

Western Grip

The Western grip is the most common grip in tennis. To execute a shot using a Western grip, the player holds the racket in his dominant hand, and positions that hand so that his palm faces the same direction as his forearm (in other words, so that his palm faces west). The player then rounds his hand around the racket’s handle and clenches it tightly. The player’s other hand is placed underneath the throat of the racket.

The Stance

Whether you are a beginner or a professional, your stance is the foundation for all your strokes. A proper stance will allow you to generate the most power possible and maintain balance throughout your swing. There are three things you need to keep in mind when finding your stance: width, distance, and foot placement.

The Ready Position

Assuming a ready position at the baseline allows a player to move quickly and efficiently in any direction to react to their opponent’s shots. The ready position also provides the best possible balance between being ready to defend and being able to attack. The first step in assuming the ready position is to square up to the back fence. This means that your feet should be pointing directly at the back fence and your shoulders should also be squared up. You then want to split your stance so that your feet are about shoulder-width apart and your weight is evenly distributed on both feet.

Once you have assumed this position, you then want to bend your knees slightly and get your racket arm up so that it is extended out in front of you and pointing at the center of the court. Your non-racket arm should be bent and resting comfortably on your hip. You also want to make sure that you are not leaning too far forward or too far back. You want to be in a comfortable, balanced position that will allow you to move quickly in any direction.

The Backhand Stance

When you are playing tennis, you will want to be able to effectively hit the ball with your racket on both sides of the court. This means that you need to know how to properly execute a backhand hit. The backhand is often considered to be one of the more difficult strokes in tennis, but it is still important to learn how to do it correctly.

There are two main types of backhand strokes in tennis: the one-handed backhand and the two-handed backhand. For both of these strokes, you will start in what is known as the “backhand stance.” This simply means that your feet will be positioned slightly differently than they would be for a forehand stroke.

The first step is to get into a side-on position to the court, with your feet pointing in the direction that you will be hitting the ball. For a one-handed backhand, your non-racket hand should be holding onto the side of the racket closest to you. For a two-handed backhand, you can grip the racket with both hands.

From here, your feet should be shoulder-width apart and slightly bent at the knees. Your weight should be balanced evenly between both feet. You may find it helpful to practice this stance in front of a mirror so that you can check your alignment and posture.

Once you have your stance sorted out, you will be ready to hit the ball on your backhand side like a pro!

The Forehand Stance

Tennis players use a number of different strokes to hit the ball, but the forehand is by far the most important. Your success on the court depends largely on your ability to hit a powerful and accurate forehand.

There are two basic forehand stances—the open stance and the closed stance. The open stance is used when you’re hitting the ball in front of you, while the closed stance is used when you’re hitting the ball to your backhand side.

To get into the correct forehand stance, start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and your weight evenly distributed. If you’re right-handed, your right foot should be slightly ahead of your left foot. For a left-handed player, it’s the opposite.

From there, bend your knees and flex your ankles so that you’re in a semi-squatting position. This will help you generate more power when you swing. Finally, grip the racket with your dominant hand and hold it out in front of you at eye level.

When you’re in the proper stance, you should feel relaxed and well-balanced. You should be able to move quickly in any direction without losing your balance. Practice shifting your weight from one foot to the other and make sure that you can do it without wobbling or moving too slowly.

Hitting the Ball

When a tennis player hits the ball with her racket, there are a few key things she should keep in mind. First, she should make sure that she hits the ball in the sweet spot, which is the area of the racket that is most comfortable to hit with. Second, she should try to hit the ball in the middle of the strings. This will give her the most control over the ball. Finally, she should follow through with her swing, meaning that she should not stop her swing once she hits the ball.

The Backhand Shot

The backhand is a stroke that is hit with the back of the hand facing the ball at the moment of contact. It can be hit with one or two hands. The backhand can be hit by any player in any situation, but most often it is used as a defensive shot when the player is on the backhand side of the court and cannot run around his/her forehand to hit a forehand shot.

There are two main types of backhand strokes – the one-handed backhand and the two-handed backhand. Players who hit one-handed backhands tend to use a Continental grip, while players who hit two-handed backhands typically use an Eastern grip.

Hitting a backhand requires good technique and practice. When hitting a one-handed backhand, players should keep their racket arm relaxed and use their bodyweight to generate power. For a two-handed backhand, players should keep their elbows close to their body and swing through the ball.

The Forehand Shot

The forehand is the most common stroke in tennis and is hit by swinging the racket across your body, using mainly your dominant hand. The backhand stroke is hit by swinging the racket across your body, using mainly your non-dominant hand.

There are two types of forehand strokes: the one-handed forehand and the two-handed forehand. The one-handed forehand is more common among professional players, while the two-handed forehand is more common among amateur players.

Here are some tips for hitting a successful forehand:

-Keep your grip loose and use an eastern or continental grip.
-Swing the racket head up and out in front of you, then snap your wrist to hit the ball.
-Use your legs and body weight to generate power.
-Follow through with your swing after making contact with the ball.


In general, you want to hit the ball in the sweet spot of your racket, which is located in the middle of the strings. When you hit the ball in the sweet spot, you’ll feel a sense of power and accuracy. The further away from the sweet spot you hit the ball, the more likely you are to make mistakes.

There are a few things you can do to improve your chances of hitting the ball in the sweet spot. First, make sure you grip your racket correctly. Second, focus on where you want to hit the ball and make sure your swing is smooth and consistent. Third, practice regularly so that you can develop muscle memory and good technique.

If you follow these tips, you’ll be hitting the ball like a pro in no time!

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