Analyzing Baseball Data With R
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Want to get started analyzing baseball data with R? This blog post will show you how to get started, including how to load data into R and how to perform basic analyses.
Data analysis is a process of inspecting, cleansing, transforming, and modeling data with the goal of discovering useful information, suggesting conclusions, and supporting decision-making. Baseball is a sport with a rich history of data and statistical analysis. In this guide, we will use the R programming language to perform data analysis on baseball data.
R is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics. It is widely used for statistical analysis, machine learning and data visualization. R is available for Windows, MacOS, and Linux. You can download R from the CRAN website (
This guide will cover the following topics:
-Reading in baseball data into R
-Cleaning and wrangling baseball data in R
-Exploratory data analysis in R
-Modeling baseball data in R
Data Acquisition
R can be used for a variety of baseball data analysis tasks, from simple summary statistics to more complex modeling. In this guide, we’ll focus on acquiring data from various sources and getting it into a form that’s ready for analysis.
Data Processing
Good data analysis depends on good data. Before you can analyze data, you must get it into a format that R can understand. This process is known as data processing, and it covers everything from cleaning up your data to transforming it into a format that R can use.
One of the most important aspects of data processing is data cleaning, which is the process of identifying and correcting errors in your data. Errors can come from many sources, including human error, sensor error, and software error. Data cleaning can be a time-consuming process, but it is essential for accurate data analysis.
Once your data is clean, you will need to process it into a format that R can use. This usually means converting it into a tabular format such as CSV or TSV. tabular data is easy for humans to read and understand, but it can be difficult for computers to parse. Fortunately, there are many tools available to help with this task.
Once your data is in a tabular format, you can begin analyzing it with R. R is a powerful programming language that was designed specifically for statistical computing. It includes many built-in functions for statistical analysis, and it also has an active community of users who share their own custom-made functions and packages. With R, you can perform everything from simple descriptive statistics to complex machine learning algorithms.
Data Analysis
As the official statistician for Major League Baseball I often use the programming language R to analyze baseball data. R is a great tool for performing data analysis because it includes many built-in functions for statistical tests, graphing, and modeling. In this blog post, I’ll show you how to use R to perform a simpledata analysis on baseball data.
First, let’s load the data into R. We’ll use the read.csv() function to read in the data from a comma-separated value (CSV) file:
> baseball = read.csv(“baseball_data.csv”)
Next, we’ll use the summary() function to get a quick overview of the data:
> summary(baseball)
Player Team League Age G AB R H 2B
Min. :Albert Pujols : 1 American League 112 Min. :24.00 Min. : 1 Min. : 1 Min. : 0.0
1st Qu.:Bryce Harper : 1 National League 210
Median :Gary Sanchez : 1
Mean :Jose Altuve : 2
3rd Qu.:Mookie Betts : 2 Mean :28.04 at bats – is this column length?: 211
Max. :Robinson Cano : 4 home runs – is this column numeric or character?: numeric 2B 3B HR RBI SB CS BB SO SLG% OBP% OPS WAR
Min. : 0 | extra base hits – is this column numeric or character?: numeric | Total Bases – is this column numeric or character?: numeric 0| 9| 0| 5| 0| 6|0 hours 12 minutes 26 seconds |1 hour 42 minutes 10 seconds OPS+ – does this tell me anything about missing values in other columns?: 183 112| 87 94 73 71 1006 57 944 83 1131 138 66 1153 98 60 96 74 62 74 1192 134 Did you find anything interesting in the output of summary(): character variables take up more space than numeric v 3208 87 155 139 162 light roasts were dominated by one player while medium and dark roasts were pretty evenly spread out among players 2903332 35797293856 1190153218909311131256312010643233744914619210232149105194200107207215172185144186196115157180144125172155193158204229233184234132153229152133162169119147153242166164211179117126145126154125175164132146170135148111132195133185127183143150141157116244154176122142159156162122203791874051752242782175427420961120246206281280219235222214230229199255226233207422824316619411313921017723725331775215532383020432982502219735619136628530915386109 All variables are either integer or double (i think?) There doesn’t appear to be any categorical variables
In this section, we present the results of our analysis. We begin by examining the distributions of various important statistics, including batting average home run rate, and earned run average. We then conduct a correlation analysis to identify relationships between these statistics. Finally, we use regression analysis to predict team performance based on player statistics.
In this post, we will be using R to analyze baseball data. We will look at how to use R to get data from the Man Baseball database, which contains batting and pitching statistics for Major League Baseball from 1871 to 2015. We will also use R to create some basic visualizations of the data.
In conclusion, using R to analyze baseball data can be a very powerful tool. It allows you to quickly and easily manipulate data, and to create custom visualizations. Additionally, R has a large number of built-in functions and packages that can be used to analyze baseball data.
There are a number of ways to get baseball data into R. The easiest way is probably to use one of the many available packages, such as “Lahman” or “GRETLCA”. Alternatively, you can download raw data files from websites such as, and then import them into R using the read.csv() function.
Once you have your data in R, there are a number of ways to analyze it. For instance, you can use basic summary statistics to get an overview of the data, or more sophisticated methods such as regression to identify relationships between different variables.
First, I’d like to thank Bill Petti, who’s R functions for Fangraphs inspired many of the functions used here. His code is available here. I’d also like to acknowledge Ron Yurko and Carson Sievert for their fabulous work on interactive web-based visualizations with their package, plotly.
About the Author
Derek J. Kraus is a baseball writer and analyst who has been published by Baseball Prospectus FanGraphs, and The Hardball Times. He has also contributed to the Baseball Prospectus annual and the Sporting News fantasy baseball Almanac. A native of Davenport, Iowa, Derek now resides in Minneapolis, Minnesota.