Are Esports Considered Sports?

The International Olympic Committee is considering adding esports as a medal event for the 2024 Olympics. Are esports considered sports?


The world of esports is growing rapidly and with it, the debate over whether or not esports can be considered a sport. On one side, there are those who argue that esports are not real sports because they lack the physicality of traditional sports. On the other side, there are those who argue that esports should be considered a sport because they require the same level of skill and dedication as traditional sports. So, what is the answer? Are esports considered sports?

There is no easy answer to this question as it is largely dependent on each individual’s definition of what a sport is. For some people, the only way for something to be considered a sport is if it involves physical activity. For others, the definition of a sport is much broader and can include anything that requires skill and dedication. So, ultimately, whether or not you believe esports are considered sports is up to you.

What are Esports?

The world of esports is growing rapidly, with more and more people becoming interested in competitive video gaming. But what exactly are esports, and are they considered to be sports?

Esports are organized, competitive video gaming events. A variety of games can be played in esports competitions, including first-person shooters, real-time strategy games, and multiplayer online battle arenas. The most popular esports games include League of Legends, Dota 2, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Overwatch, and Fortnite.

While there is no one answer to whether or not esports are considered to be sports, there are a few different ways to look at the issue. One argument in favor of considering esports to be sports is that they share many similarities with traditional sports. Like traditional sports, esports require skill, practice, and strategic thinking. Esports competitors also train rigorously and follow strict diets and exercise regimens.

Another argument in favor of considering esports to be sports is that they are increasingly being treated like traditional sports. For example, many colleges and universities now offer scholarships for students who excel at playing video games. In addition, some professional esports leagues have begun sprouting up, complete with players signed to teams and managers crafting long-term strategies.

The main argument against considering esports to be sports is that they lack physical activity. While physical activity is not required for all traditional sports (e.g., bowling), it is generally considered to be an essential component of athleticism. Because esports players do not engage in physical activity during competitions, some people argue that they should not be considered athletes or be treated like traditional athletes.

The Argument for Esports as Sports

To the naysayers who don’t believe esports are sports, supporters argue that esports should be considered sports because they fit the definition of a sport. A sport is an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment. Esports meets this criteria because gamers must physically exert themselves by using hand-eye coordination and reflexes to play, and they compete in teams or as individuals against others. Furthermore, people watch esports matches for entertainment, just like traditional sports.

Esports require physical activity

Absolutely! Esports are already considered sports by many organizations. The International Olympic Committee has recognized esports and is considering adding them to the 2024 Summer Olympics. The International e-Sports Federation (IeSF) is a governing body that works with other organizations to promote esports around the world and even hosts its own world championships.

Esports athletes require the same dedication and physical conditioning as traditional athletes. They need hand-eye coordination, split-second timing, and excellent strategic thinking skills. Some games also require a great deal of stamina, as players can be sitting or standing in front of a computer screen for hours at a time. Just like traditional athletes, esports athletes need to be able to maintain their focus and concentration for long periods of time.

Esports are governed by rules and regulations

Much like traditional sports, esports are governed by rules and regulations that players must follow. These rules are put in place to ensure fair play and competitive integrity. Esports organizations also have player codes of conduct that outline expected behavior both on and off the playing field.

While some may argue that esports cannot be considered sports because there is no physical activity involved, the level of skill, strategy, and training required to compete at a high level is undeniable. Moreover, many traditional sports, such as golf and shooting, do not require physical activity either.

The International Olympic Committee has even recognized esports as a sport and is considering adding them to the 2024 Summer Olympics. So, it seems that the only thing holding esports back from being fully consideredsports is public perception.

Esports athletes train and practice

Practice and training are a big part of being an esports athlete. Most teams have regular practice sessions, where they go over strategies and scrimmage against other teams. Some players also stream their practice sessions on sites like Twitch, so their fans can watch them prepare for upcoming matches.

Just like traditional sports, there are also training camps for esports athletes. These camps help players get in shape and improve their gaming skills. For example, TSM, an esports organization that competes in League of Legends, has a training facility in Los Angeles. At the facility, players have access to a gym, a chef, and coaching staff.

Many people don’t realize how physically demanding esports can be. Gamers can sit for hours at a time and sometimes play for days straight during tournaments. This takes a toll on their bodies, and many players suffer from conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome and eye strain. That’s why it’s important for esports athletes to take care of their bodies and mind just like any other athlete would.

The Argument Against Esports as Sports

While esports may share some similarities with traditional sports, there are also several key ways in which they differ. One major difference is that most esports do not require physical exertion, instead relying on mental skills and coordination. In addition, traditional sports typically have well-defined rules and regulations, while esports often have more flexible or undefined rule sets. Finally, traditional sports are typically governed by official organizations, while esports are often more decentralized.

These differences have led some to argue that esports should not be considered sports. Others argue that the term “sport” can be applied broadly to any activity that involves competition and skill, and that therefore esports can reasonably be considered sports. Ultimately, whether or not esports are considered sports is a matter of opinion.

Esports lack a physical element

The jury is still out on whether or not esports should be considered a sport. On the one hand, they involve highly skilled players who compete at a high level. On the other hand, many people believe that the lack of a physical element means that they can’t be considered true sports.

It’s worth noting that there are many different types of esports, and not all of them involve physical activity. For example, some popular games such as League of Legends and Dota 2 are purely mental contests. Other games, such as Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, do involve some level of physical activity, but it’s not nearly as important as it is in traditional sports such as basketball or football.

At the end of the day, whether or not you believe esports are sports is a matter of opinion. However, there’s no doubt that they are becoming increasingly popular and legitimate competitions with large prize pools and dedicated fans.

Esports are not governed by a centralized organization

One of the major reasons why esports are not considered traditional sports is because there is no centralized governing body that oversees all competitions. Instead, various leagues and tournaments are run by different organizations, many of which are specific to certain games. This lack of unity has led to some concerns about the long-term stability of the esports scene.

Unlike traditional sports, esports also have a very diverse range of competitions. Some tournaments are organized by game developers themselves, while others are run by independent organizers. There are even some events that are organized by professional gaming leagues. This diversity can be both a strength and a weakness for the esports scene. On the one hand, it provides opportunities for a wider range of people to get involved in organizing competitions. On the other hand, it can make it difficult for spectators to keep track of all the different tournaments that are taking place.

Esports athletes are not paid like traditional athletes

The biggest difference between esports and traditional sports is the way athletes are paid. Professional gamers are not paid a salary by their team like traditional athletes are by their respective leagues. Instead, most of their earnings come from prize money, sponsorships, and content creation.

This is because esports is a relatively new industry that is still trying to figure out the best way to monetize its product. In traditional sports, athletes are paid by their respective leagues through a combination of ticket sales, merchandise sales, television rights, and other sources of revenue.

The esport industry has not yet reached the point where it can generate enough revenue to pay its athletes in a similar fashion. This is one of the main reasons why most professional gamers are not yet considered to be true “athletes” in the traditional sense of the word.


ESports are not currently considered to be traditional sports, but this may change in the future. There are many elements of ESports that resemble traditional sports, such as the use of teams, rules, competition, and training. However, there are also some significant differences, such as the lack of physical activity and the predominance of digital platforms. These differences will likely continue to be a source of debate as ESports continue to grow in popularity.

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