Are Esports Players Considered Athletes?

The debate over whether or not esports players are considered athletes has been ongoing for years. Some people argue that they are not athletes because they don not physically exert themselves like traditional athletes do. However, others argue that esports players are athletes because they train just as hard as any other athlete and have to be mentally sharp to compete at the highest level.

What are esports?

Esports are a form of competition that is facilitated by electronic systems, particularly video games; the input of players and teams as well as the output of the esports system is mediated by human-computer interfaces. Esports often take the form of organized, multiplayer video game competitions, particularly between professional players, individually or as teams.

A brief history of esports

Esports (also known as electronic sports, e-sports, or eSports) is a form of competition using video games. Most commonly, esports takes the form of organized, multiplayer video game competitions, particularly between professional players. The most common video game genres associated with esports are real-time strategy, first-person shooter (FPS), and multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA). Tournaments such as the League of Legends World Championship, Dota 2’s The International, and the Overwatch League are among the largest in terms of both viewership and prize money.

Although organized online and offline competitions have long been a part of video game culture, these were largely between amateurs until the late 2000s when participation by professional gamers and spectatorship in these events saw a large surge in popularity. By the 2010s, eSports was a significant factor in the video game industry, with many game developers actively designing towards a professional eSport subculture.

Today, there are many leagues and tournaments around the world with prize pools in the millions of dollars.

What games are played in esports?

The games that are played in esports are ones that are typically military or first-person shooter style. For example, Halo, Gears of War, and Call of Duty. These genres typically feature an individual or team trying to achieve some objective within the game, while also shooting at enemy players.

Are esports players considered athletes?

The answer to this question is a bit complicated. On one hand, esports players are not considered traditional athletes because they do not compete in physical activities. On the other hand, esports players do train and compete in mental activities, which some people argue makes them athletes.

The International Olympic Committee’s stance on esports

Even though the International Olympic Committee (IOC) has yet to officially recognize esports as a sport, they have been monitoring the activity for some time now. In October 2017, the IOC held a summit with over 150 representatives from the esports community to discuss the possibility of including esports in future Olympic events.

The IOC has stated that to be considered a sport, an activity must have “competitive physical activity or mental activity,” and it must “be widely recognized as such by the public.” However, many people in the esports community feel that there is still a long way to go before esports are officially recognized as a sport by the IOC.

The argument for considering esports athletes

It’s easy to see why people would make the argument that esports players are athletes. Like traditional athletes, they train for hours every day to improve their skills. They have to maintain a strict diet and get enough sleep to perform at their best. They also have to deal with the pressure of competition and the possibility of injuries.

There are a few key differences between traditional athletes and esports players, however. For one thing, traditional athletes usually compete in physical sports, while esports players compete in video games. This means that esports players don’t need the same level of physical fitness as traditional athletes.

Another difference is that traditional athletes usually compete as part of a team, while most esports players compete as individuals. This means that esports players have to be able to motivate themselves and manage their own time effectively.

Despite these differences, many people believe that esports players should be considered athletes because of the dedication and skill required to succeed in this field.

The argument against considering esports athletes

While some people are willing to consider esports players athletes, there are just as many people willing to make the argument that esports players are not athletes. These people hold to the belief that to be considered an athlete, one must exert physical energy in their activity. Since esports players mostly sit while they play, they are not using enough physical energy to be considered athletes.

In addition, these people also argue that playing video games does not require the same level of skill as traditional sports. They believe that anyone can play a video game if they put their mind to it, and that it does not take the same level of coordination and athleticism as other sports. As a result, they do not believe that esports players should be considered athletes.


The International Olympic Committee has recognised that esports could be considered a sporting activity, and it is possible that esports athletes may one day compete in the Olympics. However, there is no official consensus on whether or not esports athletes are considered to be traditional athletes.

There are a few key differences between esports and traditional sports. For one, esports are typically played in a seated position, whereas traditional sports usually involve some level of physical activity. Additionally, esports games are often solitary in nature, while traditional sports usually involve team play.

That said, there are some similarities between esports and traditional sports. Both require a high degree of skill and training, and both can be extremely competitive. Additionally, both can be watched and enjoyed by spectators. Ultimately, whether or not esports athletes are considered to be traditional athletes is a matter of opinion.

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