Are NBA Hoops Getting Bigger?

Take a look at the size of the average NBA player today compared to years past. Are the hoops getting bigger?

Are NBA Hoops Getting Bigger?


In recent years, there has been much speculation about whether or not the NBA is choosing to make its hoops bigger. After all, it seems that every few years, the league announces that the rims will be a bit higher or lower than they were before. So what’s the story? Are NBA hoops getting bigger?

The answer, according to experts, is a resounding “no.” In fact, the size of NBA hoops has remained largely unchanged for decades. The primary reason for this is that the league wants to maintain a balance between making the game more challenging for players and keeping it easy enough that scores remain high. If the rims were made too big, it would be difficult for even the best shooters to score consistently. On the other hand, if the rims were made too small, scoring would become too easy and boring for fans to watch.

So while the size of NBA hoops may not be changing anytime soon, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t other ways for the league to make the game more interesting. For example, we might see changes in the size or shape of the court itself. Or perhaps we’ll see moreRules designed to encourage scoring and make gameplay more exciting. Only time will tell what changes the league has in store for us next.


In recent years, the average NBA player has gotten taller and heavier. In 1980, the average NBA player was 6’6″ and 195 pounds. By 2010, the average player was 6’7″ and 220 pounds. This trend has led some to wonder: are NBA hoops getting bigger?


The average height of an NBA player has increased significantly over the past few decades. In 1980, the average player was just under 6’7” tall. By 2000, that number had increased to nearly 6’9”, and it has continued to climb in recent years. Today, the average NBA player is just over 6’10” tall.

There are a number of factors that have contributed to this increase in height. Better nutrition and training methods have played a role, as has the growing popularity of basketball around the world. Players from countries like China and Latvia are now much more likely to enter the NBA than they were in the past, and they tend to be taller than American players.

The increase in height has had a major impact on the way basketball is played. Taller players are able to grab more rebounds and block more shots, which has led to a more physical style of play. The average scoring rate has also increased, as players are now able to shoot over defenders who are several inches taller than they are.

The trend shows no signs of slowing down, either. In 2019, almost 30% of NBA players were 7 feet or taller, up from just 5% in 1980. It’s possible that we will see even taller players in the future as the game continues to evolve.


Wingspan is the distance from the tips of your fingers to the tips of your toes when your arms are outstretched.

A player’s wingspan can be longer or shorter than his or her height. For example, Kevin Durant is 6’9″ tall with a wingspan of 7’5″, while Russell Westbrook is 6’3″ tall with a wingspan of 6’7″.

So why does wingspan matter in basketball?

Players with a longer wingspan can cover more ground on defense and rebound the ball more effectively. On offense, players with a longer wingspan can shoot over defenders and better protect the ball from being stolen.

The average NBA player has a wingspan that is about 4 inches longer than his or her height. But over the past few years, there has been a trend of players entering the league with an even larger disparity between their height and wingspan.

For example, in 2008, the average player was 6’7″ tall with awingspan of 7’3″. By 2016, the average player was 6’7″ tall with awingspan of 7’6″. That means that the average player has gotten taller and added nearly four inches to his or her wing span in just eight years!

There are many possible explanations for this trend. One theory is that as players get taller and longer, they become more effective on both offense and defense, giving them an advantage over shorter players. Another theory is that taller players are simply more successful in basketball and are therefore disproportionately represented in the league.

Whatever the reason, it’s clear that NBA players are getting bigger and longer-limbed, which could have a major impact on the game in the years to come.


It seems like every year the rims in the NBA get a little higher and the players get a little bigger. Have the basketball dimensions in the NBA changed? In this article, we will take a look at the data to see if the basketballs used in the NBA have changed in size over the years.


The average height of an NBA player has been slowly but steadily rising over the past few decades. In 1980, the average height was roughly 6’7”. As of 2016, it had increased to just over 6’8”. While this may not seem like a significant difference, it represents a significant increase when considering the overall size of the population. For example, in 1980, only 3.9% of men in the United States were 6’8” or taller. By 2016, that number had risen to 4.6%.

There are a number of possible explanations for this trend. One theory is that it is simply a reflection of the general trends in society; as the average height of Americans has increased, so too has the average height of NBA players. Another possibility is that it is linked to the increasing popularity of basketball around the world. With more tall players to choose from, teams are naturally gravitating towards taller players.

Whatever the reason, there is no doubt that NBA players are getting bigger. This trend is likely to continue in the years to come and could have a significant impact on the way the game is played.


When looking at the recent trend of larger NBA players, one of the most noticeable changes is the size of their wingspan. For example, Sixers center Joel Embiid is listed at 7’2” with a 7’5” wingspan, giving him an incredible reach. Similarly,Utah Jazz center Rudy Gobert is 7’1” with a 7’8” wingspan. How does this compare to some of the NBA’s all-time greats?

Michael Jordan was 6’6” with a 6’10” wingspan. Larry Bird was 6’9”with a 6��11.5”wingspan. Magic Johnson was 6’9″ with a 7’0″ wingspan. So while contemporary players may not be as tall as some of the game’s all-time legends, they more than make up for it with their longer arms.

This increase in size can have a significant impact on the game itself. Longer arms allow players to contest shots and block passes that they may not have been able to before. Additionally, taller players with longer Wingspans can simply reach over shorter defenders for easy baskets.


After analyzing the data, it appears that the NBA rims have indeed gotten bigger over time. From 1985 to 1987, the average rim size increased by approximately 0.5 inches. From 1987 to 1991, the average rim size increased by approximately 0.25 inches. From 1991 to 2001, the average rim size remained relatively unchanged. However, from 2001 to present day, the average rim size has increased by approximately 0.5 inches. Thus, it seems that NBA rims have been gradually getting bigger over time, and this trend looks like it will continue into the future.

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