Are NBA Jerseys Stitched or Printed?

It’s a common question: are NBA jerseys stitched or printed? The answer may surprise you.

NBA Jerseys

NBA jerseys are made of 100% polyester and are machine-washable. The jerseys are either stitched or printed, depending on the design. The stitched jerseys are more expensive, but they are also more durable.

Stitched or Printed

The the process of NBA jerseys has changed over the years. In the early years of the NBA, all jerseys were handmade and stitched by hand. This was a time-consuming process, and as the league grew, it became clear that a more efficient method was needed.

Nowadays, NBA jerseys are made with a mix of machine- and hand-stitching. The numbers and logos are printed on the jersey material, and then the individual jersey pieces are cut and sewn together by hand. This allows for a more consistent product, and it also cuts down on production time and costs.

What is the difference

The National Basketball Association has certain guidelines that must be met when it comes to the jerseys that are worn by the players during games. These guidelines state that all jerseys must be made from a material that is breathable and flexible, so as not to restrict the players’ movement. In addition, all jerseys must be free of any holes or tears and must be dry-cleaned before each game.

One of the most common questions about NBA jerseys is whether they are stitched or printed. NBA jerseys are actually both stitched and printed. The printing is done on the front and back of the jersey, while the stitched name and number is applied to the back of the jersey.

How are they made?

The questions of whether NBA jerseys are stitched or printed have been around for a while. In reality, both methods are used to create the jerseys you see on the court. Stitching is usually done on the numbers and letters while printing is done on the images and logos.


NBA jerseys are made by a company called Adidas, and they are stitched.


Most NBA jerseys you see these days are printed, not stitched. It’s a cheaper way to make them, and it’s also more versatile from a design standpoint. You can’t really do much with stitching, but with printing, you can pretty much print anything you want on a jersey. There are still some stitched jerseys out there, but they’re getting harder and harder to find.

Which is better?

If you’re a fan of the NBA, you might be wondering if NBA jerseys are stitched or printed. There are pros and cons to both methods, so it’s important to know the difference. Stitched jerseys are generally more expensive, but they’re also more durable. Printed jerseys might not last as long, but they’re usually cheaper.


Stitched NBA jerseys are definitely the way to go if you are looking for a high quality, authentic looking jersey. They are also the more expensive option, but you are paying for a lot of extra features and benefits.

The biggest advantage of stitched NBA jerseys is that they are much more durable than their printed counterparts. You can expect them to last several seasons with proper care, while printed jerseys will start to show wear and tear after just a few uses. Stitched jerseys also have a much higher quality look and feel, and they lend an air of legitimacy to your fan status that printed jerseys just can’t match.

If you are on the fence about whether to spend the extra money on a stitched jersey, keep in mind that you will likely be wearing it for many years to come. It is an investment that will pay off in the long run, both in terms of style and durability.


In general, printed NBA jerseys are cheaper than stitched NBA jerseys. The downside to printed NBA jerseys is that the graphics may fade after a few washes. If you plan on wearing your jersey often, you may want to spend the extra money on a stitched jersey.

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