Are NBA Players Measured With Their Shoes On?

Do you know how tall NBA players are? You might be surprised to learn that they are measured with their shoes on! Find out why this is the case, and learn more about the average height of NBA players.


Before we answer the question, let’s first understand how tall an NBA player really is. The average height of an NBA player is about 6’7”. But, the average height of a player in the 1980s was nearly 6’9”. So, over the years, players have gotten shorter.

The reason behind this decrease in height is that players are now drafted younger. In the 1950s, the average age of an NBA player was 26.5 years old. Now, it’s just over 22 years old. The trend is for players to enter the league earlier and thus be shorter in stature.

What does this have to do with whether or not they are measured with their shoes on?

well, younger players tend to wear smaller shoes. So, if they were measured with their shoes on, they would appear to be taller than they actually are. Older players, on the other hand, wear larger shoes. So, measuring them with their shoes on would make them appear shorter than they are.

Therefore, measuring all players with their shoes on would not give us an accurate representation of their true heights. For this reason, NBA players are measured without their shoes on.

History of Measuring Players’ Heights

The history of measuring players’ heights in the National Basketball Association (NBA) is a bit confusing. It is widely believed that players are measured with their shoes on, but that was not always the case.

In the early years of the NBA, players were actually measured without their shoes on. This led to some confusion, as players’ heights were often reported differently depending on whether they were measured with or without their shoes.

The NBA now uses a standard method of measuring players’ heights. Players are measured in their footwear, but they must remove any insoles or other padding before they are measured. This ensures that all players are measured on an equal footing.

Why the Discrepancy?

There seems to be some discrepancy on whether or not NBA players are measured with their shoes on.

The most common answer is that players are, in fact, measured with their shoes on. This makes sense, as the shoes players wear can add inches to their height. For example, Yao Ming, who is 7’6″, was once listed as 7’5″ without his shoes on.

However, there are also a few sources that claim players are measured without their shoes. This would make the measurements more accurate, as players’ shoes can add different amounts of height.

The discrepancy may come from the fact that different measurements are taken for different purposes. For example, the pre-draft combine measure players both with and without their shoes on so that teams can get a more accurate measurement of their true height.

In the end, it seems that players are usually measured with their shoes on for convenience sake, as it gives a more accurate representation of how tall they will appear on the court.

How This Affects the Game

It’s a long-standing tradition that NBA players are measured with their shoes on. This was started because players were wearing shoes that gave them an advantage, such as extra height or a wider sole. The rule was put into place to level the playing field and give all players an equal chance.

Nowadays, most players wear similar shoes and the rule is more for tradition than anything else. There is no regulation that says players have to be measured with their shoes on, but it is still done out of habit. Some players have even taken to wearing different shoes during measurements so they can get a higher number.

While it may not seem like a big deal, this tradition can have a big effect on the game. Players who are taller or have a wider stance have an advantage over those who are shorter or have a narrower stance. This can make it difficult for shorter or smaller players to compete against their larger counterparts.

The NBA has considered changing this rule in recent years, but has not made any definitive changes. It’s possible that the league will eventually move to measuring players without their shoes on, but for now, it remains a part of the game.


In conclusion, it is not clear whether or not NBA players are measured with their shoes on. Some sources say that they are, while other sources say that they are not. However, it seems more likely that NBA players are measured with their shoes on, given the fact that shoe size can affect height.

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