Are NFL Players Allowed to Play Fantasy Football?

The NFL has a strict policy against players participating in fantasy football leagues, but it’s not as clear-cut as you might think. Here’s a look at the league’s stance on the matter.


The National Football League (NFL) is a professional American football league consisting of 32 teams, divided equally between the National Football Conference (NFC) and the American Football Conference (AFC). The NFL is one of the four major North American professional sports leagues, the highest professional level of American football in the world. NFL players are forbidden from participating in any form of gambling, including fantasy football leagues.

The Fantasy Sports Trade Association (FSTA), a non-profit membership organization for the fantasy sports industry, defines fantasy sports as “a game of skill” in which “players assemble imaginary or virtual teams of real players of a professional sport.” Participation in fantasy sports has grown rapidly in recent years, with over 41 million people playing in the United States and Canada in 2014.

While the NFL does not have an official position on whether or not its players are allowed to participate in fantasy football leagues, the League has issued a statement saying that it views fantasy football as a form of gambling. As such, players who participate in fantasy football leagues may be subject to discipline from the League. In 2010, the NFL suspended then-Philadelphia Eagles quarterback Michael Vick for six games for his involvement in a dog fighting ring; Vick was also barred from participating in any form of gambling, including fantasy football leagues, as part of his sentence.

In 2015, Minnesota Vikings running back Adrian Peterson was suspended for three games by the NFL for violating the League’s personal conduct policy; Peterson was also barred from participating in any form of gambling, including fantasy football leagues, as part of his suspension.

What is the NFL’s stance on fantasy football?

The NFL does not have an official stance on fantasy football, but they have been opposed to it in the past. In 2006, the NFL filed a lawsuit against a company called, claiming that their use of NFL players and team logos violated copyright and trademark laws. The case was eventually settled out of court, but it made it clear that the NFL is not a fan of fantasy football.

However, more recently, the NFL seems to have softened their stance on fantasy football. In 2015, the NFL launched their own official fantasy football website in partnership with Yahoo! Sports. And in 2016, the NFL partnered with FanDuel, a daily fantasy football site. So while the NFL may not be fully embracing fantasy football yet, they are definitely starting to come around.

What are the consequences for players who participate in fantasy football?

While there are no concrete guidelines or punishments in place for NFL players who participate in fantasy football, there is a general understanding that it is not allowed. This is because fantasy football can be seen as a form of gambling, and the NFL has strict policies against its players gambling on any football-related activity.

The consequences for players who are found to be participating in fantasy football can range from a warning from the team to a suspension from the league. In some cases, players have even been released from their contracts. It is unlikely that a player would be suspended or released solely for participating in fantasy football, but it is possible if they are also found to be gambling on other sports or activities.

How do NFL players feel about fantasy football?

The answer to this question largely depends on the NFL player in question. Some players are very passionate about fantasy football and actively participate in leagues, while others could not care less about it. In general, however, most players tend to be at least somewhat interested in fantasy football and think it is a fun way for fans to engage with the sport.

There are a few reasons why some players may be hesitant to get involved in fantasy football. For one, it can be time-consuming to stay up-to-date on all of the latest player news and stats. Additionally, some players worry that fans who have them on their fantasy team may be more critical of them if they have a bad game. Overall, though, most NFL players think that fantasy football is a harmless way for fans to enjoy the sport.


After doing some research, it appears that NFL players are not allowed to play fantasy football. This is likely because it could create a conflict of interest, as the players would have a vested interest in the outcome of games (i.e. their own performance) in addition to the teams they are playing for. Additionally, playing fantasy football could be seen as a form of gambling, which is also not allowed for NFL players.

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