Are NFL Players Still Kneeling in 2021?

It’s been over three years since Colin Kaepernick first took a knee during the national anthem to protest police brutality and racial injustice, and the movement he started has continued to grow. Are NFL players still kneeling in 2021?

Are NFL Players Still Kneeling in 2021?


It’s been almost four years since then-San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick first took a knee during the playing of the national anthem as a way to protest police brutality and racial injustice, and the decision by some NFL players to continue that protest has been a point of contention ever since.

Kaepernick’s actions sparked a nationwide conversation about race and activism in sports, with many other athletes across different leagues following his lead. In the NFL, players have kneeled or raised their fists during the anthem every week since 2016, but the debate over whether or not it’s disrespectful to the flag or to military veterans has raged on.

In 2020, amid renewed protests over racial injustice following the death of George Floyd, several NFL stars spoke out in favor of continuing Kaepernick’s protest. “I think it would be naive of me to say that we don’t still have racism in America,” Baltimore Ravens quarterback Lamar Jackson said. “I think it would be naive of me to say that police brutality doesn’t still exist.”

Despite the calls from some players to keep kneeling, however, it seems unlikely that we’ll see widespread protests during the national anthem in 2021. With Covid-19 still affecting the country and traditional methods of protesting no longer as viable options, it’s possible that we may see other forms of activism taking precedence this year.

What led to the kneeling in the NFL?

In 2016, then-San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick started a movement by kneeling during the national anthem to protest police brutality and racial injustice. His actions divided the NFL community, with some saying he was disrespecting the flag and those who have fought for the country, and others supporting his right to peaceful protest.

The issue came to a head in September of 2017, when President Donald Trump criticized NFL players who kneeled during the anthem, saying they should be fired. This led to many more players kneeling or linking arms in solidarity, and some teams even stayed in the locker room during the anthem.

Since then, the issue has largely died down, but there has been the occasional incident of players kneeling during the anthem. In 2020, several players kneeled during pre-season games, but no one did so during the regular season or playoffs. It remains to be seen if any players will kneel in 2021.

Colin Kaepernick and the NFL

In 2016, Colin Kaepernick, then a quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers, began sitting or taking a knee during the national anthem as a way of protesting racial injustice in the United States. His actions divided the nation and inspired other NFL players to do the same.

The following year, President Donald Trump called for NFL players who knelt during the anthem to be fired. In response, more players began taking a knee or raising a fist during the anthem. After much discussion, the NFL implemented a new rule in 2018 that required all players on the field to stand during the anthem but gave them the option to stay in the locker room if they wished.

The rule was met with mixed reactions from players and fans, and it was eventually dropped after protests from both groups. In 2020, amid renewed focus on racial injustice in America following the killings of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor, several NFL players once again took a knee during the national anthem.

It remains to be seen if this trend will continue into 2021, but with so much still happening in America related to race relations, it seems likely that at least some players will continue to use their platform to protest social injustice.

The current state of the NFL

Since the protests began, many NFL players have chosen to kneel during the national anthem as a way tobringing awareness to racial inequality and police brutality in America. The protests were started by then-San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick in 2016, and they reached a new level of mainstream attention when President Donald Trump began criticizing the league and its players for participating in them.

In the 2017 season, more than 200 players knelt or sat during the anthem, and the league saw a decline in ratings. In response, the NFL implemented a rule that required all players on the field to stand for the anthem, but allowed them to stay in the locker room if they chose not to participate. The rule was met with criticism from players and quickly drew more attention to the issue.

In 2020, amid nationwide protests following the death of George Floyd, a Black man who was killed by police officers in Minneapolis, Minnesota, many NFL players once again took a knee during the anthem. This time, however, they were joined by team owners and coaches, who showed their support for the players’ right to peaceful protest.

As of 2021, it appears that some NFL players are still choosing to kneel during the national anthem as a way to bring attention to social injustice. It remains to be seen how long this will continue or what effect it will have on the league moving forward.

How have fans reacted to the kneeling?

The reaction to the kneeling has been mixed. Some people feel that it is a sign of respect for the flag and what it represents, while others feel that it is disrespectful to the country. There are also those who feel that it is a sign of solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement.


It is ยง still unclear if NFL players will continue to kneel during the national anthem in 2021. Several players have voiced their opinion on the matter, but no definitive decision has been made. The issue is likely to continue to be a controversial topic in the upcoming year.

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