Are NFL Ratings Down This Season?

Are NFL Ratings Down This Season?
The answer may surprise you.

Are NFL Ratings Down This Season?


There has been much discussion about whether NFL ratings are down this season. Some say that they are, while others claim that the numbers are about the same as last year. So, what is the truth? Let’s take a closer look.

Reasons for the decline in ratings

There are a few reasons that could be playing a role in the decline of NFL ratings this season. One reason could be that some of the marquee players are injured and not playing. Another reason could be the presidential election. The NFL has always been a ratings juggernaut, but this season there has been a decline.

Lack of parity

The NFL has seen a decline in ratings this season and there are a few reasons that could be to blame. One reason is the lack of parity. In years past, there have been more competitive teams and it’s been easier for fans to find a team to root for. This season, however, there have been a few dominant teams and many blowouts. This lack of parity makes the games less interesting to watch for casual fans.

Another reason for the decline in ratings is the increase in anti-NFL sentiment. In recent years, the league has been embroiled in scandals ranging from player safety to domestic violence. These scandals have caused some fans to lose interest in the sport. Additionally, many fans are turned off by the political statements that some players have made during the national anthem.

It’s important to note that the NFL is still by far the most popular sport in America. However, the decline in ratings is something that the league will need to address if they want to maintain their current level of popularity.

players protests

It’s no secret that ratings for the NFL have been declining over the past few seasons. And while there are a number of factors that have contributed to this overall decline, one of the most prominent has been the players’ protests during the national anthem.

Many fans have been vocal in their displeasure with these protests, and it’s likely that this has had an impact on the ratings. In addition, with the presidential election taking place this fall, there has been more competition for viewers’ attention. And lastly, cord-cutting continues to be a trend, with more and more people ditching traditional cable packages in favor of streaming services.

So while there are a number of reasons why NFL ratings are down this season, players’ protests during the anthem have certainly played a role.

too many commercials

It’s no secret that NFL ratings have been down this season. Just last week, the Thursday Night Football game between the Packers and Bears was down 27% in ratings from last year’s comparable game. And this week’s Sunday Night Football game wasn’t much better, with a decline of 14% from last year. There are a few reasons why this may be the case.

One reason is that there are simply too many commercials during NFL games. In fact, a recent study found that there are an average of 60 commercial breaks during an NFL broadcast, totaling about 12 minutes of advertising per hour. That’s a lot of time for viewers to take a break from the action, and it probably doesn’t help that many of the ads are for less-than-exciting products like insurance or car dealerships.

Another reason for the decline in ratings may be the lack of parity among teams this season. There have been a lot of blowouts, with several teams looking like they’re not even trying to compete. This can make games less interesting to watch, especially for fans who don’t have a rooting interest in any particular team.

Whatever the reasons for the decline in ratings, it’s clear that something needs to be done to fix the problem. Otherwise, we may see even more people tuning out of NFL games in the future.

How the NFL can improve its ratings

The NFL has seen a decline in ratings this season. There are a few reasons for this decline, but the most notable reason is the lack of excitement in many of the games. The NFL can improve its ratings by creating more parity in the league, making rule changes to make the game more exciting, and by marketing its product better.

improve the quality of the product

In order to improve its ratings, the NFL needs to improve the quality of its product. The games have been dull and uninspired, and the league has done little to address the issue. The lack of competition at the top of the standings has made matters worse, as there are only a handful of teams that appear to be legitimate Super Bowl contenders. This has led to many fans tuning out of NFL games, as they can simply watch other sports or entertainment options that are more exciting.

If the NFL wants to boost its ratings, it needs to make sure that the product on the field is more compelling. This can be done by increasing the level of competition among teams, ensuring that there are more close games, and making sure that there is more parity within the league so that any team can realistically win a championship. By doing this, the NFL can recapture the attention of its lost viewers and bring them back into the fold.

focus on the fans

The NFL has many avid fans, but it also has a lot of detractors. In order to win back some of its viewers, the NFL should focus on making the game more enjoyable for fans. This can be done in a number of ways, such as:

-Making the game more exciting: The NFL has been criticized for being too slow and boring. One way to make the game more exciting is to increase the number of plays and shorten the time between plays. This will make the game more fast-paced and exciting for viewers.
-Improving player safety: Another way to make the game more enjoyable for fans is to improve player safety. This can be done by instituting rules that penalize players for dangerous hits and by providing better medical care for injured players.
-Addressing concussions: One of the biggest concerns that fans have about football is the risk of concussions. The NFL has taken some steps to address this issue, but more needs to be done. The league should continue to fund research into concussion prevention and treatment, and it should make changes to the rulebook to help protect players from concussions.

By focusing on these areas, the NFL can improve its ratings and win back some of its lost viewers.

be more responsive to the concerns of the players

The NFL has seen a decline in ratings this season, and some have attributed this to players kneeling during the national anthem to protest police brutality. While the league has tried to be supportive of the players’ concerns, they could do more to be responsive to the issues that the players are protesting.

One way that the NFL could improve its ratings would be to be more responsive to the concerns of the players. For example, if the league were to institute rules that would make it easier for players to protest peacefully without fear of retribution, it is possible that more fans would tune in out of support for the cause. Additionally, if the NFL were to partner with organizations dedicated to fighting social injustice, they could use their platform to raise awareness and funds for these important issues.

Ultimately, it is up to the NFL to decide how they want to respond to declining ratings. However, if they want to win back some of their lost viewers, being more responsive to the concerns of the players would be a good place to start.


The answer to whether NFL ratings are down this season is a resounding yes. But there are many factors that go into why that is and it’s important to consider all of them. The league has seen a decline in viewership for several reasons, including the anthem protests, player safety concerns, and cord-cutting. However, the NFL is still the most watched programming on television and is unlikely to lose that title anytime soon.

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