Are The Baseball Players Still Locked Out?

The baseball players are still locked out and there is no end in sight. What are the chances that they will come to an agreement?


It has been almost two years since the last Major League Baseball game was played. On September 16, 1998, the players went on strike, causing the cancellation of the rest of the season, as well as the playoffs and the World Series. The players were demanding better working conditions and a bigger share of team revenue. The team owners were not willing to budge on either issue, and so the impasse continues.

There have been several mediation sessions between the two sides, but so far there has been no resolutions. The most recent proposal by the team owners was rejected outright by the players. With both sides still so far apart on the issues, it seems unlikely that there will be any baseball played in 1999 either.

What Happened?

The baseball players have been locked out of the stadium since March. The stadium has been closed due to the coronavirus pandemic. The players are hoping to get back to playing soon, but it is unclear when that will happen.

The Owners’ Proposal

On February 16, the owners of the 30 Major League Baseball teams released their proposal for the upcoming collective bargaining agreement. The new CBA will be effective for the 2021 to 2026 seasons and will supersede the current agreement, which runs through December 1, 2021. The owners’ proposal includes several major changes to the economic structure of the game, including a decrease in player salaries, a reduction in player benefits, and an increase in the number of years that players must spend in the minor leagues before they are eligible for free agency.

The decrease in player salaries is the most significant change proposed by the owners. In their proposal, the owners proposed that player salaries be reduced by nearly 50% over the life of the new CBA. This would result in a decrease of nearly $4 billion in player salaries over the next five seasons. In addition to this decrease, the owners also proposed that player benefits be reduced by $1 billion over the life of the new CBA. These benefits include things like health care and pension benefits.

The second major change proposed by the owners is an increase in the number of years that players must spend in the minor leagues before they are eligible for free agency. Under the current CBA, players become eligible for free agency after six years of major league service time. The owners have proposed increasing this to eight years. This would effectively keep many young players in the minor leagues for an extra two years, as they would not become free agents until they were 28 or 29 years old.

The Owners’ proposal also includes several non-economic changes to the game, including a change to how draft picks are compensated when they are lost as free agents and a change to baseball’s eligibility rules for international players.

The MLBPA has not yet released their counter-proposal, but it is expected to be significantly different from what the owners have put forward. It is unclear at this time how negotiations between the two sides will progress, but with both sides far apart on many key issues, it is possible that we could see another work stoppage in 2022 if a new agreement is not reached prior to December 1st, 2021 when the current CBA expires.

The Players’ Proposal

After meeting for almost five hours on Tuesday, the Major League Baseball Players Association presented the owners with a counterproposal to the one the owners made last week. The proposal was similar to the one the players had made before, with a few key changes. The most important change was that the players agreed to a luxury tax, which had been a major sticking point in negotiations.

The luxury tax would work like this: teams that went over a certain amount of payroll would be taxed at a rate of 17.5%. This money would then be distributed among the teams that stayed under the payroll threshold. The union has not yet said what the payroll threshold would be, but it is believed to be somewhere around $140 million.

The other major change in the proposal was that the players agreed to phased-in increases in drug testing, rather than immediate random drug testing as they had proposed before. The owners had insisted on immediate random drug testing, but the union had been adamant that it would never agree to that.

The two sides will meet again on Wednesday to continue negotiations. It is unclear at this point whether or not they will be able to reach an agreement before Opening Day, which is less than two weeks away.

Why is this a big deal?

The baseball players are locked out because the baseball owners are trying to get them to agree to a new contract that would change the way they are paid. The players are not happy with this new contract, and they have been locked out of the baseball season until they can come to an agreement.

This is a big deal because the baseball season is one of the most popular times of the year, and many people are waiting to see if the players will come to an agreement so that they can enjoy their favorite sport.

What’s next?

The baseball players are still locked out and there is no end in sight. The owners have offered to meet with the players again, but the players have not responded. The owners are demanding a salary cap and the players are not willing to budge. It is feared that the entire season may be lost.


It is uncertain when the baseball players will be unlocked, but it is certain that the baseball players are still locked out.

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