Are There Any Female NFL Coaches?

In a league dominated by men, are there any female NFL coaches? We did some research and here’s what we found.

There are no female NFL coaches

There are currently no female NFL coaches. The most recent woman to hold a coaching position in the NFL was Lori Locust, who was an assistant defensive line coach for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in 2020. There have been a handful of other women who have served as coaches in the NFL on a short-term or intern basis, but none have held full-time positions.

The lack of female coaches in the NFL is part of a larger trend of women being underrepresented in coaching positions across all levels of football. According to a 2020 report from UNCW’s Center for Sport Leadership, only 5% of head coaches at the high school level are women, and fewer than 1% of college football teams are led by women. In the NFL, there has never been a female head coach or general manager.

There are only a handful of female assistant coaches in the NFL

There are only a handful of female assistant coaches in the NFL. In 2016, the league hired its first full-time female coach, Kathryn Smith, to work with the Buffalo Bills’ special teams. Before that, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers had Lisa Aucoin as an intern in 2015. Feminine presence on NFL sidelines is still very much in its infancy stages.

The majority of women working in coaching do so at the collegiate level. The pool of eligible candidates for professional coaching positions is smaller because there are fewer women involved in football at lower levels. There are currently no female head coaches in the NFL, but several women have held high-ranking positions in front offices and as broadcasters.

The NFL has never had a female head coach

In spite of women’s growing presence in leadership positions in many industries, the NFL has never had a female head coach. There are currently no female coaches at any level of the NFL, although there are several women assistant coaches.

The issue of gender diversity in the NFL has been in the spotlight recently due to the hiring practices of the new head coach of the San Francisco 49ers, Chip Kelly. After being fired from his previous head coaching position with the Philadelphia Eagles, Kelly was quickly snapped up by the 49ers. One of Kelly’s first moves was to fire all of the team’s assistant coaches, none of whom were female.

This move was widely criticized, as it appeared that Kelly was deliberately setting back the progress that had been made in recent years in terms of increasing gender diversity among NFL coaching staffs. In response to the criticism, Kelly said that he had merely wanted to “start from scratch” with his new team and that he would consider hiring female coaches in the future.

Meanwhile, several other NFL teams have made headlines recently for their efforts to increase gender diversity among their coaching staffs. The Buffalo Bills hired Kathryn Smith as their special teams quality control coach, making her the first full-time female coach in NFL history. And last year, Jen Welter became the first woman to hold a coaching position in the NFL when she served as a summer intern with the Arizona Cardinals.

These hirees are evidence that slowly but surely, things may be changing for women who aspire to become head coaches in the NFL someday. But for now, there are no female head coaches in the league — and it remains to be seen if that will ever change.

There are a number of reasons why there are no female NFL coaches

There are a number of reasons why there are no female NFL coaches. One reason is that there is a lack of women in coaching positions at the collegiate level. In addition, NFL teams are often reluctant to hire female coaches because they believe that women do not have the same understanding of the game as men. Finally, some people believe that women are not as tough as men and thus cannot coach in the NFL.

Some people believe that the NFL is ready for a female head coach

The National Football League (NFL) is a male-dominated professional sports league, but some people believe that the NFL is ready for a female head coach. Historically, there have been very few women in coaching positions in the NFL. In 2019, there are only four female assistant coaches in the NFL, and no female head coaches.

There has never been a female head coach in the NFL, but there have been a few female assistant coaches. In recent years, the number of female assistant coaches has increased slightly, but it is still very low compared to the number of male coaches. Some people believe that the NFL is not ready for a female head coach, because it is such a male-dominated league. Others believe that there are plenty of qualified female candidates for coaching positions in the NFL, and that it is only a matter of time before a woman is hired as a head coach.

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