Are There NFL Games on Saturdays?

The National Football League (NFL) is a professional American football league. The NFL schedule typically consists of 16 regular season games on Sundays, with each team playing one game per week. However, there are occasionally games on Saturdays during the NFL playoffs.


The National Football League (NFL) is a professional American football league consisting of 32 teams, divided equally between the National Football Conference (NFC) and the American Football Conference (AFC). The NFL is one of the four major professional sports leagues in North America, and the highest professional level of American football in the world.

What day do NFL games typically occur?

NFL games typically occur on Sundays, with a small number of games being played on Mondays and Thursdays. However, there are occasionally games played on Saturdays, typically during the playoffs.

Why might there be an NFL game on a Saturday?

One might think that since the NFL regular season is mostly on Sundays, with a Monday night game and the occassional Thursday or Saturday game, that the NFL would take Saturdays off. However, there are occasions where there are NFL games on Saturdays. There are a few reasons for this.

The most common reason is due to circumstances beyond the NFL’s control. If there is a college football game that was supposed to be played on a particular Saturday but gets postponed due to weather or some other issue, the NFL will often times move one of its own games to that same day and time slot so as not to compete against itself.

Another reason is that the NFL has occasionally experimented with playing regular season games on Saturdays in order to generate more interest in the sport. These experiments have not been terribly successful and so the league has mostly given up on them, but every now and then you’ll still see an NFL game being played on a Saturday during the regular season.

What are the benefits of having an NFL game on a Saturday?

The National Football League (NFL) is fully aware that playing games on Saturday eliminates a number of potential conflicts for their fans. For example, many high school and college football games are played on Saturday, making it difficult for some people to attend an NFL game as well. Also, many people have religious obligations that take up a good portion of their Saturdays. By playing games on Saturday, the NFL opens up their product to a wider range of viewers.

The NFL also knows that televising games on Saturday afternoon/evening provides them with a captive audience of people who are not able to go out and watch the game live. This allows the NFL to generate higher ratings and sell more advertising time during their broadcast.

So, in short, the answer to the question “Are there any NFL games played on Saturdays?” is yes – there are benefits for both the NFL and its fans when games are scheduled for Saturday rather than Sunday.

Are there any drawbacks to having an NFL game on a Saturday?

While there are plenty of people who would love to see an NFL game on a Saturday, there are also some drawbacks that have to be considered. One of the biggest concerns is that it would take away from the college football experience. Many fans enjoy going to college games on Saturdays and then watching the NFL games on Sundays. If the NFL had games on Saturdays, it would compete directly with college football and could hurt attendance at both levels.

Another concern is that playing an NFL game on Saturday would cut into the time people have for other activities. Families might not be able to go out to eat or do other things they enjoy on Saturdays if they’re trying to catch an NFL game. This could lead to a decrease in revenue for businesses that rely on Saturday traffic.

Finally, there is the question of whether or not Saturday is really the best day for football. The weather is often colder on Saturdays than it is on Sundays, which could make playing conditions more difficult. There is also a risk that snow or other bad weather could cause games to be postponed or canceled entirely.


From these three sample weeks, we can see that there are indeed NFL games scheduled for Saturdays during the regular season. However, the number of games and the teams playing vary from week to week. For example, Week 16 (the last week of the regular season) has no Saturday games scheduled, while Week 14 has two. In general, if you’re looking to watch NFL action on a Saturday during the regular season, it’s best to check the schedule in advance to see what’s available.

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